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Sep 04,  · Cut the dowel to make plugs and insert them into the frame with some glue and a hammer in with a mallet. Then I use a handsaw to cut off the excess wood and then sand smooth with your palm sander. Cutting the plexiglass is easy with just a tablesaw. Drop it in the frame and check to make sure it fits. Spread wood glue along each edge of the inner frame. Attach the first layer of hardboard using 5/8-inch brads. Repeat with the second layer and allow to dry. Tip: Make sure that the first layer is the 14 ¼-inch and 8-inch long pieces. Create unique frame moldings by experimenting with a variety of router bit profiles, cutting depths, and types of wood. To calculate the minimum required length of frame material, you need to know the outside dimensions of the picture or mat, the width of the rabbets on the frame, and the width of the frame.

Create unique frame moldings by experimenting with a variety of router bit profiles, cutting depths, and types of wood. To calculate the minimum required length of frame material, you need to know the outside dimensions of the picture or mat, the width of the rabbets on the frame, and the width of the frame. Sep 04,  · Cut the dowel to make plugs and insert them into the frame with some glue and a hammer in with a mallet. Then I use a handsaw to cut off the excess wood and then sand smooth with your palm sander. Cutting the plexiglass is easy with just a tablesaw. Drop it in the frame and check to make sure it fits. Spread wood glue along each edge of the inner frame. Attach the first layer of hardboard using 5/8-inch brads. Repeat with the second layer and allow to dry. Tip: Make sure that the first layer is the 14 ¼-inch and 8-inch long pieces.

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