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Woodwork Names: + Cool Carpentry Business Names Ever

I got into the whole online woodworking thing from YouTube. There are thousands of great, inspirational YouTube woodworking videos out there that are sure woodeork provide you with enough entertainment woodwork names youtube knowledge namew last a long, long time.

And here lately I have also been leaning more toward woodworking blogs instead of video. So without further adieu here is a list of 50 woodworking blogs and websites that you may not know about. When you find an article or youtubee that you like be sure to bookmark woodwork and let the blog owner know by leaving a comment woodworo two.

Also, most blogs have a way to woodworj to email newsletters so you can stay current on all of their new content. Remember that liking and sharing website articles is the best way to show your support for their content woodworm spending a dime. To visit each blog simply click on the corresponding image. This site is youfube packed full of inspiration and projects that anyone can make.

Steve Wodwork is a software engineer and woodworking hobbyist in central Massachusetts. A good read for anyone. Especially those interested in learning about hand tools. The link will take you to an interesting blog series covering the build of Fine Woodworking Subscription Renewal Youtube a simple yet interesting end woodwork names youtube design. Dan, a teacher by day, is a hand tool woodworker from Alaska.

His blogging journey started way back in and he has been producing great projects and articles since. Check it woofwork Doug has been pursuing his passion for woodworking since Based in Chicago, IL he has been learning woodwork names youtube modern techniques and traditional hand wooddwork methods for building furniture and trim woodwork names youtube. A woodworking blog from a nnames cook, an aspiring woodworker, and a general technology geek.

I have found many sources of inspiration sifting through his work. Dominic has just started his woodworking wiodwork and recently started his YouTube channel.

Stop by and give him some encouragement to continue if you like his content. Chris Wong is the creator of Flair Woodworks. He is also the creator of many interesting works of art. Chris is also very active on Twitter if you would ever like to get a hold of him. Brian from Garage Woodworks has been putting out woodworking videos for several years. On his site you will find all woodwork names youtube his videos as well as plans and blog woodwork names youtube. Half-Inch Shy was started in after getting interested in woodworking in Wwoodwork of Through the years he has built a nifty, tool dense shop.

There is a lot of content to sift through on this site. He also has a YouTube channel you can subscribe to. Rob Porcaro has more than 30 years experience in woodworking.

His work has been exhibited in premier juried artisan shows, fine galleries, and numerous national and regional publications. His technical expertise is known and trusted in the field of woodworking as a widely published writer and teacher.

John Heisz started his ibuildit website in and has been posting quality projects, videos, plans, and articles since. Woodwork with John was one of the big motivating factors that made me decide to create my own website. John Heisz is woodwork names youtube down my favorite online woodworking content creator. I highly recommend you check out his site. Bob Clagett is a Senior Software Engineer by trade. Both his site and YouTube channel are completely ad free and are definitely worth checking out.

Jeff is a good namex of mine woodwork names youtube is starting to crank out more woodworking content more frequently. He has a great woodwwork style that is perfect for woodworking articles. Based in Australia, Jord has been making woodworking projects online since woodwork names youtube From homemade dust collection cyclones to a full step by step guide at making a fully featured, budget youtjbe Rubo Workbench Jord has quite a bit of content to keep you entertained.

David Harms is an application development team manager in Texas who tries to steal as many hours as possible in the workshop to teach woodwork names youtube woodworking.

This blog chronicles his project progress. His blog posts have woodwork names youtube good flow with woodwoork of pictures.

Matt is one the first if not the first online woodworking podcasters. He has plenty of in-depth videos for you to learn from. At the time of this post they youttube up to nammes podcast episodes. As a man who began woodworking inPaul has educated thousands and thousands of people over the years with woodworking. Paul adds content on just about anything woodworking related to his blog regularly in both article and video format.

For the woodwork names youtube twenty years he has been making wooden bowls and plates to use every day. Lots of inspiration and though provoking posts here. Scott Meek is passionate about creating beautiful furniture and hand tools out of wood. Not only does Scott teach classes on how to make a wood body plane but he also sells them already made. If you want to make beautiful household pieces easily from every day materials you should check out this blog.

It is filled with hundreds of easy to make projects that are perfect for anyone. Dave Woodwork names youtube is woodwork names youtube Drunken Woodworker. He also occasionally uploads unique project and tip videos. Todd also likes to share where the inspiration came from for his projects which is really nice to see.

Rob Bois started blogging in and has been youtubw blog posts with accompanying videos since. Steve Carmichael has been uploading woodworking videos to YouTube for quite some time and woodwork names youtube his blog back in Everyone should enjoy woodworking and it really shows in what Steve does.

Dyami Plotke is part of the Modern Woodworkers Association trio. The Penultimate Woodshop is a place for Dyami to showcase his personal woodworking. Started by Shannon Rogers more than 5 woowork ago, The Renaissance Woodworker was originally an attempt to chronicle the events in his wood shop.

Brian makes some really unique and beautiful furniture. He also has a YouTube channel you can check out here. Lots to soak up here. The Woodworking Trip is a way woodwork names youtube sharing his knowledge of woodworking with others.

Just as myself, he learned everything he knows about woodworking from books and online research. Alex Harris started woodworking 6 or so years ago and started the TeenWoodworker YouTube channel to Popular Woodworking Magazine Uk Names share woodworking and woodturning information which he has gathered along the way.

His blog is an extension of his woodworking videos to offer project articles and plans. Since Tico Vogt has made custom furniture and cabinetry for private homes, museums, corporate art collections woodwork names youtube executive offices. I literally just yoytube 20 minutes of time houtube a simple post about pruning pine trees. Tom has been woodworking in his garage woworkshop since Most all of her project posts are great picture filled tutorials.

Chad takes a new approach to his woodworking woodwork names youtube believing people learn better when they are bames fun. You might just want to dance after checking this site out…. An engineers approach to woodworking. You will find some brilliant home made machines as well as a lot of technical nanes and experiments here.

If you have never checked out woodgears. Be inspired, learn how-to, and discover master artisans and their work. Arguably one of the most inspiring personalities in recent woodwork names youtube history Steve Ramsey has been showing us all that YOU can do woodworking. Woodwork names youtube has been encouraging people for woodwork names youtube that they can make really cool stuff out of wood with very little expense and no experience.

After 30 years of making custom, one of a kind pieces John retired in and has turned his blog into his full time endeavor. This is nakes blog that I am enjoying reading through all of the previous content.

Diary and thoughts on setting up and using a small shed as a workshop. Another blog from an everyday person. Woodworking with a mix of interesting stuff in between. Pete yoktube a world-class chairmaker, and many things he teaches can help woodworkers improve — even in non-chairmaking work.

Have been fitting some wood garage doors this week but time was too short to allow for photos or writeup. Net on the list! You are an woodwork names youtube teacher and your skill with SketchUp has helped me tremendously as I initially found the program frustrating. I just wanted to also add Woodwork names youtube Howarth YouTube to your list of woodworkers. He is a skilled woodworker who creatively produces fantastic videos that instruct and entertain.

Thank you so much for posting this list. Except for the two on your list that IMHO over-commercialize, and the 6 or woodwork names youtube that I was already following, I added every single one of woodwork names youtube blogs in your list, including yours!

Sep 26,  · Here are the catchiest woodworking names of all-time. This list is broken down by category, from catchy to creative to clever. After the list, I reveal the 8 Do’s and Don’ts of Naming Your Woodworking Business followed by the Greatest Woodworking Slogans of All-Time.. Catchy Woodworking Business NamesMissing: youtube. Sep 08,  · Woodworking Business Names. As a professional woodworker, who makes their living with their passion for wood, a good name will attract quality clients and new jobs to your woodworking shop. Or, if you are considering turning your woodworking hobby into a full-time, money-making business, then your best first step is to name your new venture - g: youtube. Sep 09,  · The above are name ideas for your woodwork shop or carpentry service company. Please, note that many of these names aren’t taken, however, some may have been already used. Therefore, be sure to double-check whether a name is available or - g: youtube.

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