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Do some online market Best Selling Wooden Items Name research. I would like to put together a Christmas project. Where beest how would you like to sell your products? A good idea is to best selling wooden items question their inner creativity through your photos. People love to know they are participating in a cause when they purchase items so your next wood project can be just that. Some turners love to turn pens and that is all that they do. I absolutely love the wood toys here on the top of ifems page, as well as the bird house.

Complementary products expand the selection for your customers which increases your sales. If you sell one of your honey dippers they may come back for a rolling pin or a Mason jar lid. When you are at your craft fairs chat with customers about what they like.

If your customers are asking for it then there is likely a market for the project. So keep turning what you love, expand into complementary categories, and keep looking for new ideas and projects to turn. Find a niche you like and stay in it.

Like the fellow who turns kitchen utensils and toys take your products down to one or two categories. This will actually help you increase your sales. The background story is that I looked at woodturners on Etsy. Those who had the most sales had focused on a few types of products. One was pens, another was salad bowls, and so on. The vendors who had sold the least had the broadest selection of turned items.

They had something for the kitchen, garden, bowls, boxes, toys, art, and more. This is why you want to turn what you love. Consistency in your product is very comforting to your customers. They know what you do and you have lots for them to choose from.

That means turning a lot of the same or very similar items. Being consistent will also increase your sales. Now you know what will sell. Figuring out what will sell is a challenge for a lot of turners, new and old alike. There are also challenges being the salesperson for your turnings. A lot of us feel way more comfortable at a lathe than in a booth at a craft show. If you need help with craft shows take a look at 7 Mistakes that Kill Sales at the Show.

Learn from my mistakes. The other part, that was a challenge for me was my mindset issues over money. Have you struggled with money issues?

If you have any questions about turning or the business of turning, please leave me a comment at the bottom of the page. What is your experience in figuring out what will sell for you? These posts are for you, the woodturner. If you like turning projects or articles related to the business of turning then please sign up for the Turning For Profit newsletter. Generally, it comes out once a week and has links to the current articles, a bit on what I am up to, and usually a question for your response.

You can sign up on the right sidebar or just a little lower on the page. I love woodturning and sharing with you. You can follow me on Facebook as well.

Thank you for joining me on this woodturning journey. Have fun and remember to turn safely. I have played this, What Will Sell game for neigh on to 40 years in two countries, in two languages, At 79 I now make only what I want and by George it sells and sells for MY price.

You gotta sell love, your love and the product needs to show that love!!!! Thank you Norman. But the answers might intrigue […]. Then see what else will complement your products. There really is not a single product that you will be guaranteed to sell a lot of unless your […]. Your email address will not be published.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Menu Skip to right header navigation Skip to main content Skip to secondary navigation Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer. You can check out ebay or google trends for some ideas on what people are searching for. For more info,check out the link below. Here are literally thousands of organized woodworking projects in a members area and all you have to do is get them off your computer any time you want.

There are thousands of plans so decide which one you are going to tackle next. The choice is yours to make so just click on the proper button for the specific project and then they are right there for you to pick one.

The diagrams and instructions will be right there in the computer for you to access at any time or if you prefer you can print them out. Mcgrath is a very dedicated and experienced woodworker who knows what he is talking about when it comes to woodworking and DIY projects s he has been a woodworker for many many years.

There is also a lifetime member acess included in the package and you get these extras for no cost to you as they are free with no additional charges at all! There is enough variety of projects in here, big and small, intricate and simple, and you can pick out new ones as you progress in your woodworking abilities.

I seen a 2 liter holder, a kindling holder, and a tater and onion bin. A lot of people are using fresh veggies, and will be growing their own, and more are buying 2 liters instead of bottles or cans, and more are using that fire place.

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