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Face Recognition Test from Greenwich University. The lesson plan wood joints lesson plan youtube made up of two video exercises, a gapped text reading exercise and a discussion on the topic. It is a lesson plan on the topic of gender roles.

Students complete a First-Certificate-style multiple choice cloze exercise, a listening comprehension based on a clip from Friends and finally, a discussion on the topic.

Download the materials wood joints lesson plan youtube. That number sounds pretty high, right? This is called herd immunity. But why are we so concerned about measles right now? Measles is one of the most contagious diseases; it can cause brain damage, blindness, and it can even be fatal. And now in England cases are rising.

More than Wood Planes Youtube 500 half a million children in the UK missed out on the MMR jab between andand each year the number of those being vaccinated is dropping. So why are vaccination rates falling? In America 2. Anti-vaxxers believed that certain vaccines are not safe. Since then the National Autistic Society has said there is no link between autism and the vaccine, but the scare story still continues to spread.

But is the anti-vax movement to blame? In fact, public health England think the key to better vaccination rates is sending out reminders to parents and making GP appointments more convenient so that vaccinations can actually happen.

So what can be done to increase vaccinations? Well, in France vaccinating children became a legal requirement last year. Could that be adopted here? For the moment the governor plans to stop the spread of fake news by introducing legislation that would force social media companies, like Facebook, to remove any post promoting false or misleading information about jabslike MMR.

This activity can be structured in many ways depending on class size, level and time constraints. Here is a wood joints lesson plan youtube way of structuring the activity:. You can now conduct a class debate on the topic. Divide the class wood joints lesson plan youtube two teams and decide which team will argue for and against compulsory vaccination.

Encourage students to include their own ideas and opinions as well as the points and counterpoints previously studied. You can structure the debate in many ways. In an industrialized country such as the USA, unvaccinated people were times more likely to contract measles than vaccinated ones; in developing countries where these viruses are still endemic, the risk would be considerably higher.

After a scare about possible side effects of the MMR jab, in there was a drop in voluntary vaccinations in a part of London Wood joints lesson plan youtube. In that part of London only It is therefore the role and duty of the state to understand these issues and possible threats and provide protection and care, in this case, in the form of immunization.

Compulsory vaccination is an example of the tyranny of the majority even if it is coming from a democratic government. And in a community that praises itself as democratic and respectful to wishes of others it is in no way acceptable that the rights of some get abused by the wishes of others.

Besides, The United Kingdom does not have a system of compulsory health care, but disease outbreaks are still prevented due to the voluntary immunizations. Each year millions of children worldwide die of preventable diseases before the age of five. The argument presented here is that the state needs to protect the child and immunize him or her from preventable diseases as obviously the child does not have the capabilities at this stage to make informed decisions of their own.

The key issue at stake here is who gets to decide about the healthcare needs of children — the authorities or parents? Critics of enforced vaccinations argue that it may have the opposite effect to wood joints lesson plan youtube desired, and end up demonizing parental choice. Indeed, adopting compulsory vaccinations wood joints lesson plan youtube be counter-productive, causing concerned parents to withdraw their kids from school and entrenching anti-vaccination sentiment.

Commonly used vaccines are a wood joints lesson plan youtube and preventive way of promoting health, compared to the treatment of acute or chronic disease. In the U. Additionally, if less people get sick, productivity rates remain high and less money is destined to social and health programs. Vaccines themselves are expensive to develop in the lab and to mass-produce for widespread compulsory vaccination programs.

In addition to these upfront costsorganizing compulsory vaccination programs across an entire country can be very complicated and expensive. For instance, mechanisms must be set in place to ensure that the program is indeed compulsory, which means establishing a database of those that have and have not received the vaccine.

In most countries and declarations, one of the most basic human rights is the one to bodily integrity. It sets down that you have a right not to have your body or person interfered with. This means that the State may not do anything to harm your body without consent.

If you refuse a treatment, your decision must be respected. Those who wish to opt-out of vaccination often on behalf of their children, who have no say in the matter are classic free riders, hoping to benefit from the more responsible behavior of the rest of society.

As it is assumed that most of society see it as a responsibility and a duty to protect others. Through birth, the child and the wood joints lesson plan youtube have a binding agreement that is supported within the society. This agreement involves a set of rights and duties aimed at, and justified by, the welfare of the child. Therefore, the parent is endowed with a special kind of authority over the child.

An adult vaccine refusal and a parental vaccine wood joints lesson plan youtube are not the same. Parents do not have absolute right to put their child at a risk even if they themselves are willing to accept such a risk for him or herself. As seen not to vaccine children can represent a danger for their future, there should be no ultimate power of parents to prevent vaccine jabs.

Some of the used vaccines may have severe side effects, therefore we should let every individual assess the risk and make choices on their own. Besides introducing foreign proteins and even live viruses into the bloodstream, wood joints lesson plan youtube vaccine has its own preservative, neutralizer and carrying agent. Evidence wood joints lesson plan youtube suggests that immunizations damage the immune system itself, because vaccines wood joints lesson plan youtube the body so that it will no longer initiate a generalized response.

In addition, the long-term persistence of viruses wood joints lesson plan youtube other foreign proteins within the cells of the immune system has been implicated in a number of chronic diseases, such as allergies.

Moreover, MMR vaccines may cause a child who is genetically predisposed to have autism, due to the Thimerosal, which is a compound that contains mercury. First of all, many of the arguments suggesting vaccination is dangerous refer to observations from the 60s or 70s. Since then, more recent studies have reported no link between MMR vaccines and autism.

Similarly, a study from the German Health Institute comparing the prevalence of allergies and infections in vaccinated and unvaccinated children and teenagers, concluded that there was no wood joints lesson plan youtube between them, other than the frequency of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as mumps or measles.

Image credit: Chambers Management. You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. All comments and feedback welcome! Use the first slide of the PowerPoint to pre-teach the UK cultural references students will need for the video:. Watch the first part of the video until and answer the question:. Watch the first part of the video again and fill in the gaps in the transcript with what you hear:.

If students are struggling to understand the text, try slowing the speed down on youtube, or give them the full transcript as a last resort. Image credit: Wood joints lesson plan youtube Merkle. Follow me on twitter RobbioDobbio. Download the handouts below:. In this section of the lesson students will watch a video from the Guardian 5-minute debate series in order to analyse the ways in which the speakers structure their arguments and the language they use.

The topic of the debate is:. In the debate the two speakers Michael Rosen and Lindsay Johns are specifically talking about London street slang. A school in South London took the decision to ban street slang from the classroom, the banned words are in the picture below:. If you want to look up any of these words you can use the urban dictionary.

Give out the transcript and show students the powerpoint. The powerpoint will take them through some of the structural techniques that Michael Rosen uses wood joints lesson plan youtube as:. Split the class into two groups: the dog group and the cat group. Each group has to watch wood joints lesson plan youtube video and and write down the arguments that the two people give to support their animal, i.

Give out the debate language handout. Tell students that they are going to recreate the dogs vs. Give them minutes to structure their arguments. The debate will follow the following structure:. Award a winner based on the strength of their arguments and how well structured they are.

The debate handout has further debate topics for future classes. By far and away the most important point is… Adding points. Flight vs. Invisibility Pancakes vs. Waffles Hot dogs vs. Hamburgers French fries vs. Patatas bravas Beer vs. Wine Whisky vs. Rum Are ghost real? Wood joints lesson plan youtube the internet do more good or bad?

Feb 15,  · Learning the skills to build a simple box will empower you to make almost anything. Looking for a meaningful, productive hobby? Get started woodworking and s. Feb 22,  · This lesson introduced wood joints for KS3 - to start off I gave them fact files about different types of wood and they had to work in pairs and place them into the correct categories: hardwood, softwood and manufactured board. Then I created a worksheet for when they were researching wood joints - this is what I got them to fill - g: youtube. Lesson Plans for Module Cabinetmaking Cabinetmaking iii Module introduces advanced trainees and experienced carpenters to the construction of high-quality finished products such as cabinets and furniture. Many companies build and install custom cabinets designed to.

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