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Vuetify Responsive Toolbar with Navigation Drawer · GitHub

The v-navigation-drawer component is what your users will utilize to navigate through the application. The navigation-drawer is pre-configured to work with or without vue-router right out the box. For the purpose of display, some examples are wrapped in a v-card element. Within your application you will generally place the v-navigation-drawer as a direct child of v-app.

The navigation drawer is primarily used to house links to the pages in your application. Using null as the starting value for its v-model will initialize the drawer as closed on mobile and as open on desktop.

It is common to pair vuetify navigation drawer under toolbar location with the v-list component using the nav property. The expand-on-hover prop does not alter the content area of v-main. To have content area respond to expand-on-hoverbind draeer. Using the bottom navibation, we are able to relocate our drawer on mobile devices to come from the bottom of the screen.

This is an alternative style navigqtion only activates once the mobile-breakpoint is met. Places the component in mini-variant mode and expands once hovered. This does not alter the content area of v-main. The width can be controlled with the mini-variant-width property. Apply a custom background to your drawer llocation the src prop. If you need to customize v-img 's properties you can use the img slot. When using the mini-variant prop, the drawer will shrink default 56px and hide everything inside of v-list except the first element.

In this example we use the. By default, a vuetify navigation drawer under toolbar location drawer has a 1px right border that separates it from content. In this example we want to detach the drawer from the left side and let it float on its own. The floating property removes the right border or left if using right.

Navigation drawers can also be positioned on the right side of your application or an element. This is also useful for tolbar a side-sheet with auxillary information that may not have any navigation links. When using RTL you must explicitly define right for your drawer. A temporary drawer sits above its application and uses a scrim overlay to darken the background.

This drawer behavior is mimicked by default when on mobile. Clicking outside of the drawer will cause it to close. Here we apply a custom background color and an appended content area using the append slot. In this example we define a custom width vuetify navigation drawer under toolbar location accommodate our xrawer drawer.

Using locwtion vuetify navigation drawer under toolbar location ensure that the drawer and list stack horizontally next to each other. Navigation drawers The v-navigation-drawer navigatio is what your users will toolbwr to navigate through the application.

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Nov 23,  · Hey, in this Vuetify tutorial we'll take a look at adding a slide out navigation to our app using navigation drawers and control it via a burger icon in the. API for the v-toolbar component. Continue your learning with related content selected by the Team or move between pages by using the navigation links below. ← v-timeline-item. Jun 08,  · I'm a noob at Vuetify (Vue everything) and when you install the basic framework with NPM the Navigation Drawer is on the side aligned to the top. You can click a link to put it under the toolbar and it lines up with the bottom of the toolbar. I want that to be the default with just the Hamburger menu to bring it in and out.

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