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Nevertheless, the OSHW community open hardware for education 600 augmented the availability of medical supplies through their grassroots response. I also think that OSHWA as an organization can continue to act as a place for the open source hardware community to speak with itself, and as an entry point into the community for new members. Teacher supervision is a must! Program your microcontroller with MicroBlocks. Past talks have featured topics such as advances in space propulsion, humanitarian projects, right to repair legislation, open hardware in education, and open hardware marketing.

A large majority of these mothers are highly educated and tend to be savvy consumers. Here are the 5 big reasons why littleBits is exciting and different:. I don't know I am not convinced that "To make something does not require soldering, programming, or wiring" is the right thing to do when teaching someone to "make". Failure has always been the greatest teacher. Open hardware for education with littleBits library of electronic modules Open hardware for education with littleBits library of electronic modules.

Image by :. Get the highlights in your inbox every week. Here are the 5 big reasons why littleBits is exciting and different: To make something does not require soldering, programming, or wiring. The process is hands on, fostering spatial reasoning, problem solving, and creative thinking. And, though it doesn't require knowledge of computer programming, it fosters the desire for coding skills. The product is well-designed, with girls, as Open Hardware For Education Yes well as boys , in mind.

Finally, this could be an opportunity to improve the Free and Open Source Software tools for gateware design. There are thriving communities of open-source software-defined radio and FPGA tool developers, and we believe including them in this challenge and having hardware and gateware in the picture will result in a better 5G for everyone. The report examines how the open source hardware community came together to produce lifesaving medical equipment at the onset of the COVID pandemic, and the role of government authorities in that process.

It finds that although some parts of the government tried to facilitate the community, in most cases there was a mismatch between what the government expected and what the OSHW community was doing. Nevertheless, the OSHW community significantly augmented the availability of medical supplies through their grassroots response.

The report also provides lessons learned and recommendations to help the community and government agencies better respond to future crises together. As we get approach the Open Hardware Summit on April 9th, we are now soliciting talk proposals from interested speakers. The Open Hardware Summit is for presenting, discussing, and learning about open hardware of all kinds.

The summit examines open hardware applications, practices, and theory, ranging from environmental sensors to 3D printable medical devices to open hardware processors and beyond. We are interested in open hardware on its own as well as in relation to topics such as software, design, business, law, and education. Past talks have featured topics such as advances in space propulsion, humanitarian projects, right to repair legislation, open hardware in education, and open hardware marketing.

For our eleventh edition we are especially looking for speakers who can offer insights around the role of open hardware in the COVID pandemic, open hardware medical devices, and related topics. We invite talk proposals from individuals and groups. Find all the details over at the summit site. The Open Hardware summit will be held online again, Friday April 9, Just like this year, the summit will be livestreamed, but ticket holders will have access to additional interactive portions of the summit like meet-and-greets, workshops, and sponsor booths.

Find details, including ticket and sponsorship information at We look forward to seeing you in the chat then! You Open Hardware For Education 50 can find an overview here , or click here for the full report.

Welcome to the following board members! Here are the results:. Self-nomination demonstrates that the candidate has a personal commitment to serving on the OSHWA board. The candidates outline their motivation and qualifications so voters can make informed decisions.

OSHWA board members are elected for two year terms. Terms are staggered so that only a portion of the OSHWA board terms expire in any given year in order to maintain continuity within the board. Elections are held each year for the portion of the board seats that are open in that year. This year, that was five board seats. In addition to the general announcement, we directly reach out to potential candidates with diverse backgrounds, suggesting they nominate themselves.

We use online voting for board elections. This API will make it easier to apply for certification directly from where you already document your hardware, as well as empower research, visualizations, and explorations of currently certified hardware. Since its creation in , this free program has certified hardware from over 45 countries on every continent except Antarctica.

Whenever you see the certification logo on hardware:. You know that it complies with the definition and that the documentation can be found using its unique identifier UID.

Write access means that you can submit certification applications directly instead of using the application form. If you already have all of the application information in a system, there is no need to retype them into a webform.

We hope that this will make it easier for entities that certify large amounts of hardware to build the certification process directly into their standard workflow. Read access gives you access to information about hardware that has already been certified. This will make it easier to explore the data for research, create compelling visualizations of certified hardware, and build customized lenses to understand what is happening in open source hardware.

The first thing you can do is get a key and start exploring the API itself. The team at Objectively has created detailed documentation , code snippets, and sandboxes that make it easy to test out all of the features.

In the longer term, we hope that the community will build better ways to both submit applications for certification and present information about certified hardware. OSHWA expects to maintain our application form and certification list for the foreseeable future. That being said, we are also happy to share and possibly cede the stage to better ways to get information into and out of the system as they come along.

For now, let us know what you do with the API! You can tweet to us OHSummit or send us an email at certification oshwa.

The report is a snapshot of the open source hardware community as it exists in , ten years after the first Open Hardware Summit. It helps existing members of the open source hardware community take stock of where it is, and new members of the community understand the state of affairs today. The open source hardware community has grown tremendously in the past decade.

That Open Hardware For Education Machine Learning growth is a testament to the viability of the idea of open source hardware. It can also create challenges when the community wants to talk to itself — let alone create welcoming pathways for new community members. The report allows the open source hardware world to collectively identify what is working, share insights, and rally around shared challenges.

It distills lessons learned and describes the collective understanding of the state of open source hardware. The report provides guidelines for how open source hardware can be a viable approach to hardware development, as well as identifies situations where open source hardware may not be the strongest approach.

It also examines challenges that remain unresolved in , along with opportunities for open source hardware in the future. Like any weather report, this document is a snapshot of a moment in time. It was originally intended to flow from an in-person workshop held in connection with the tenth anniversary Open Hardware Summit at the Engelberg Center. When the Summit went virtual , that workshop transformed into a series of interviews with a cross section of the open source hardware community.

Common themes, concerns, and challenges emerged during those discussions. Today, digital cameras are packed with memory and have become much easier to use.

Photoshop Elements is an inexpensive photo editing tool, but many computers and Web sites now come with free editing tools, such as iPhoto on Macs, or Google's Picasa. Print Shop by Software MacKiev is still my top pick for creating cards, signs, and banners, but now you and your students also can make newsletters, labels, booklets, business cards, gift tags, name tags, calendars, online greetings, and more. Personally, I couldn't live without my iBook laptop.

I networked my home computer system with a router Open Hardware For Education Design and an AirPort card, so I can use the laptop in any room or in the yard. If I can do that, anyone can!

I also can take the laptop to conferences, on trips, and to school -- and I can jump on free networks anywhere theyre offered. It still amazes me that you can be connected almost anywhere you take a laptop -- but due to that ability, people need to make choices as to when, where, and how often they want to be connected -- and when it's better to be disconnected! Julia Timmons list of essentials has grown through the years.

My essentials," she told us, now include: Software. For Cossondra George, laptops for teacher and students, a projector, speakers and an iPod dock, jump drives, servers, dependable wireless access, and digital cameras all seem basic -- critical -- to me. Tablet laptops for students with wireless projection systems would be wonderful. I dont see the need for much in the way of specific software. With online tools readily available for wikis, blogs, document sharing, and so on, if students have computers with Internet access, those programs are there already.

Essential types of software for educators, however, include online grading programs with parent access, the capability to download and use videos, podcasts, and so on with your class. Some schools are blocking YouTube , iTunes and so on at school, so teachers must have access elsewhere.

Id say that a laptop is a must in a classroom," Fred Holmes said. Along with that, some way to show information to the entire class, be it a Smart board or a projector. The teacher can use the laptop to do presentations to the students and even for parents; they can take it to meetings or on field trips for student based research.

Palms or some type of hand-held computer can be used by students for field research. I know that iPods are making an inroad in schools, but they must be used with caution.

While you think a student is listening to a lecture, or an oral reading, they could be listening to music. Teacher supervision is a must! As for software, the biggest concern is that the computer must have some type of good anti-virus protection -- viruses are becoming worse and worse. A good security system, such as a firewall, also is a must. Invaluable and approaching essential -- a laptop," seconded Patrick Greene.

After all, it is easy to predict that American K education is going to be an all laptop affair, and soon. The most important software tool that teachers should have, and become expert in using," Bernie Poole told Education World, is Microsoft Office The reason I say that is because Microsoft Office, in general, incorporates essential tools for teaching and learning.

Microsoft Office , in particular -- besides being a very nice user interface, which makes the functions of the software more readily available -- has added a considerably larger set of drawing and diagramming tools that are excellent for both teachers and students when brainstorming or in the preparation of visual learning materials.

There are two items I would consider essential for educators today," said Vicky Romano. The first is a webcam -- not only to allow students to visit with other students across the globe, but also to allow teachers to interact with colleagues all over the globe.

A webcam allows for access to professionals with similar interests. That interaction might not happen without face-to-face voice and image access. The interactive video software is getting better with faster Internet connections and thats a more reliable medium. The other essential item is still Internet access. With faster, more reliable connections, teachers have access to such instructional resources as art museums, zoos, and a plethora of sites that just were not available before.

Bringing resources to the classroom now is essential, as funding for out-of-school trips and other enriching experiences is cut due to budget restrictions. A flash drive is soooo important," adds Jennifer Wagner.

Plus, every educator needs to belong to an online community. Whether it be twitter, Ning , a message group, bulletin board. And finally, Google Docs -- a must for collaboration!!!

My district isn't into buying every new thing that comes along, said Linda George, who teaches technology in grades K- 5.

But I can tell you that I think the following are very important to my everyday lessons:. Personnel This is the first year I dont have an assistant in my lab, and every day I realize how valuable she was to me and to the work I do with kids. So, it's nice to have good software and good hardware, but a good helper is worth her weight in gold!

Leave this field blank. Search Search. Newsletter Sign Up. Mitigation Strategies for Learning Disruption in Litera Search form Search. Essential or Invaluable Software Apples pre-installed software package provides the essentials for any classroom teacher iLife and iWork. Beyond that I would add a grading program and mind mapping software Inspiration. My essentials," she told us, now include: Software Office Professional -- Yes I use Access a lot and I need the full features of other programs.

I prefer XP. Hardware Flat Screen monitor -- it doesn't have to be huge! Good quality printer -- preferably a laser black and color photo. HP is my brand all the way.

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