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Months of the Year | Vocabulary | EnglishClub

Create A List Named Months Of The Months Of The Year. Write A For Loop That Iterates Over The Elements Of Months And Prints Out Each One That Begins With Letter J', One Month Per Line. Problem 2. Write A For Loop That Iterates Over All Of The Integers In The Range 0 Through 99, Inclusive, And Prints Out All Of Those Numbers That Are Divisible. Two letter month abbreviations I was trying to align some months in a column. Their names didn't cooperate so I used their numerical equivalents - 02 for Febuary, etc. But those require some education and don't quite communicate a month - they could be symbols or numbers for any number of things. I wondered why we haven't established a. 1. In python you can iterate over a list using a for loop. You can then have a conditional statement that checks if the month begins with 'J'. Example: months = ['January', 'February', 'March' 'June', 'October'] for month in months: if month [0] == 'J': print (month) This results in. January June. Share.

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