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Airplane. Weight in lbs. divide by to convert to kg. multiply by gravity = to convert to Newtons. weight in Newtons. thrust in Newtons. thrust to weight ratio. Executive Jet varies 48, varies varies Executive Jet 2. Note: Weight (in Newtons) is equal to mass times the gravitational acceleration rate of m/s 2. Note: Remember that kN is simply N divided by Note: Jet2 New Planes 01 For Airplane Weight, if more than one value is given, find and use the average of the Jumbo Jet Planes For Sale 50 values. P abges = ηkanal ⋅P ab =0,85⋅W =W P a b g e s = η k a n a l ⋅ P a b = 0, 85 ⋅ W = W. The resulting value (P abges) now has to be plugged into the first equation and then divided by the model weight (e.g. Minijets Stinger 3,7kg).

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