How To Build A Framework Ios,Simple Wooden Puzzle Box Plans Value,Timberwolf Saw Blades 600,Under Drawer Appliance Lift Table - Step 2

How to build a framework ios helps us to catch these kinds of errors earlier, before we release our framework to others. They only ship the header files and some weird Unix exe file with the compiled framework, I guess. And this is also for that teams that want to work together above the same base framework. When not volunteering at her daughters' schools, she To specify multiple framework directories, separate the pathnames with a colon.

This will allow you to develop the framework using an example app. Naturally, the code for this app will be kept completely separate from the library itself, as this makes for a much cleaner structure. Set the class prefixes to RW and specify that it should be iPhone only. This is perfect because it means that you can edit code inside the library and run the example app to test the changes. Rather than recreate the app from the last tutorial, you can simply copy the code.

First, select Main. This action makes it so that Xcode will link it against the static library, just as it links against system frameworks like UIKit. Build and run to see it in action. The beauty of using nested projects like this is that you can continue to work on the library itself, without ever leaving the example app project, even as you maintain the code in different places.

Well, things are about to change, and quickly too. This creates a new panel in the build phases section, which allows you to run an arbitrary Bash script at some point during the build. Drag the panel around in the list if you want to change the point at which the script runs in the build process.

Rename the script by double clicking on the panel title Run Script and replace it with Build Framework. This means that builds are as fast as they can be. When you archive an app or build in release mode, then Xcode will build for all three ARM architectures, thus allowing the app to run on most devices.

What about the other builds though? Therefore you need to make Xcode build for all five architectures. This process creates a so-called fat binary, which contains a slice for each of the architectures. Note: This actually highlights another reason to create an example app which has a dependency on the static library: the library only builds for the architecture required by the example app, and will only rebuild if something changes.

Why should this excite you? It means the development cycle is as quick as possible. Note: Why use an Aggregate target to build a Framework?

Why so indirect? Are you starting to see the method to the madness here? To ensure the static library builds whenever this new framework target is created, you need to add a dependency on the static library target. Select the Framework target in the library project and add a dependency in the Build Phases tab. Change the name of the script by double clicking on Run Script. This time name it MultiPlatform Build. The next part of the script sets up some functions that the project will use later on.

Add the following to the very bottom of the script:. You need to know what the other SDK is, for example iphoneos7. Now you can trigger the build for the other platform, and then join the resulting static libraries. The final commands of the script are simple copy commands. Add the following to the end of the script:. In order to check that the multi-platform build worked, fire up a terminal and navigate to the framework on the desktop, as follows:. The first command navigates into the framework itself, and the second line uses the lipo command to get the required information on the RWUIControls static library.

This will list the slices that are present in the library. Had you run the lipo -info command beforehand, you would have seen a subset of these slices. One of the primary advantages in using a framework is its simplicity in use. Start by creating a new project in Xcode. This app will display an image and allow the user to change its rotation using a RWKnobControl.

Look in the ImageViewer directory of the zip file you downloaded earlier for a sample image. Drag sampleImage. Importing a framework follows a nearly identical process. For further details on how to use the RWKnobControl check out the previous tutorial , which explains how to create it. This is a basic limitation on iOS, where a framework can only contain header files and a static library. Now buckle up, this tutorial is about to take off.

This will place an image of a ribbon on the top right hand corner of a UIView. The resources will be added to a bundle, which takes the form of an additional target on the RWUIControls project. Search for base sdk , select the Base SDK line and press delete. Search for product name and double-click to edit. By default, images which have two resolutions can produce some interesting results; for instance when you include a retina 2x version.

Select the Framework target, and then the Build Phases tab. Build the framework scheme now so you can see the bundle appear on the desktop. This means you must add it as both a dependency, and an object to copy across to the app. An important part of the source code is how you reference images.

To add the images to bundle, choose them in turn, and then, in the right hand panel, select that they should belong to the RWUIControlsResources target. Remember the discussion about making sure the framework is accessible to the public? Well, now you need to export the RWRibbon. Open RWViewController. The last thing to share with you is how to use this new bundle inside another app, the ImageViewer app you created earlier.

To start, make sure your framework and bundle are up to date. This is necessary because the framework is much different than it was when you first imported it. Note: If Xcode refuses to let you add the framework, then it might not have properly moved it to the trash. If this is the case then delete the framework from the ImageViewer directory in Finder and retry.

To import the bundle, simply drag it from the desktop to the ImageViewer group. Replace the first part of the viewDidLoad method which was responsible for creating and configuring the UIImageView , with the following:. Build and run the app. Do you have a favored functionality that you use in lots of different apps? A framework offers an elegant way to procure a library of code, and gives you the flexibility to access whatever you need for your next series of awesome apps.

The source code for the completed project is available on Github , with a commit for each build step, or as a downloadable zip file. Will be my code visible to others? A: No. This Framework will export a compiled binary, so anyone can see inside it. You can make the same for some other files, like XIBs. Why I need this? And this is also for that teams that want to work together above the same base framework.

There is also a template for XCode 4 that will let you create iOS static framework projects. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How to build a framework or library for other developers, the secure way? Asked 10 years, 4 months ago. Active 5 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 66k times. Improve this question. Proud Member Proud Member Unix exe file :- — Besi Nov 16 '11 at If you really want to be helpful to iOS developers, open-source it!

KaanDedeoglu - There are pros and cons for users in both scenarios. Personally, I prefer a reasonably priced closed-source, everything is well documented, supported, and just works framework to an open-source, unsupported and undocumented framework. Rare is the open-source framework that is actually anywhere near well documented AND actively maintained. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Yes, it is possible to build frameworks so the user of the framework can't see the source code.

Improve this answer. Jay Peyer Jay Peyer 1, 1 1 gold badge 18 18 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. Thanks mate! Apple won't reject an app because of this trick?

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