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Компания Xilinx в рамках своей университетской программы проводит соревнования для FPGA/SoC среди студентов, увлечённых этим направлением, под названием Xilinx Open Hardware. Конкурс проходит ежегодно и является открытым для аспирантов и студентов. Денежными призами награждаются лучшие работы в каждой категории. Ознакомиться со списком победителей и их проектами за год можно здесь. Часть 1. Мир Xilinx Часть 2. Мир Intel (Altera) В опубликованном ранее переводе обзора 98 «хакерских» плат немалый интерес аудитории вызвали платы на базе SoC, сочетающих в себе ядра ARM и   Часть 1. Мир Xilinx Часть 2. Мир Intel (Altera). В опубликованном ранее переводе обзора 98 «хакерских» плат немалый интерес аудитории вызвали платы на базе SoC, сочетающих в себе ядра ARM и FPGA, такие, как Parallella. И это неудивительно, ведь такая комбинация даёт воистину потрясающие возможности по сравнению с «просто» процессором или «просто» FPGA. Xilinx opened the door to innovation and inspiration once again, hosting Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest Years our annual Open Hardware Design Contest in EMEA. Bringing together   Xilinx opened the door to innovation and inspiration once again, hos ting our annual Open Hardware Design Contest in EMEA. Bringing together undergraduate and Ph.D. students, this annual competition allows participants to showcase their creative and technical skills.  LoopMAN (short version) - Multi-track & Multi-effect Sound Looper - Xilinx XOHW20 Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest Qs xohw_ Full version of this video: www.- ?v=6VpWViEQw9k LoopMAN is a hardware implementation of a high performance multi-track looper, with m.

Two prizes will be awarded to the best projects in each of the PhD, and Student categories, and one prize will be awarded in the PYNQ and Acceleration category, subject to the conditions outlined in the rules. The winner in the Compute Acceleration category will also win an Alveo board or equivalent for their university.

Additional prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the organiser. Development platforms. Any Xilinx device supported by Vivado can be used for the competition.

Entry Submission. Xilinx Vivado, SDx or Vitis software must be used to implement the design. A complete project with bitstream must be submitted. ISE entries will not be accepted. Participants should upload complete source code and project files, a bitfile, or image, documentation, and a short project report written in English.

Registration closes on 28th Februaryand final project submissions must be received by midnight anywhere in the world on 30th June Criteria for Judging. Please pay careful attention to the judging criteria. Projects will be judged equally across all of the following categories:. For any clarification on the Rules, please contact xup xilinx. XUP decision is final. Summary of Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest Activity Competition Xilinx open hardware design contest key. Open Hardware is open to students and PhD candidates in Europe.

Please see the rules for a list of eligible countries. Individual or teams of up to three people can enter in each category. For the student categoryall participants must be undergraduate students. If one or more participants are PhD level, the team xilinx open hardware design contest key enter the PhD category. All registrations must be supported by a senior member of academic staff project Advisor who should be from the same institute.

Compute acceleration projects should be based on applications that accelerate cloud FPGA or local compute intensive applications. Compute Acceleration projects can cover any application, or a library that can be used with acceleration platforms in the cloud or on local hardware.

Creating new libraries, or optimization of existing open source FPGA acceleration libraries would also be a suitable application for this category. Vitis open source libraries. Participants interested in Compute acceleration are strongly encouraged to investigate the Open Source Vitis libraries covering BLAS, data compression, database, fintech, security, solvers, vision.

Project suggestions for this category include improving an existing function or library xilinx open hardware design contest key, adding a new function to an appropriate library, or use the open source library to build a compute acceleration application. Open Hardware Prizes Two prizes will be awarded to the best projects in each of the PhD, and Student categories, and one prize will be awarded in the PYNQ and Xilinx open hardware design contest key category, subject to the conditions outlined in the rules.

Development platforms Any Xilinx device xilinx open hardware design contest key by Vivado can be used for the competition. Registration closes on 28th Februaryand final project submissions must be received by midnight anywhere in the world on 30th June Criteria for Judging Please pay careful attention to the judging criteria. Vitis open source libraries Participants interested in Compute acceleration are strongly encouraged to investigate the Open Source Vitis libraries covering BLAS, data compression, database, fintech, security, solvers, vision.

Xilinx University Program FPGA and SOC Open Hardware Design Contest, open to University students. Xilinx University Program FPGA and SOC Open Hardware Design Contest, open to University students. Platforms. The Trenz Electronic TE is a Rasberry Pi compatible FPGA module integrating a Xilinx Zynq, MByte DDR3L SDRAM, 4 USB ports, an Ethernet port and 16 MByte Flash memory for configuration and operation. 10 rows · System Design Contest of Machine Learning on Embedded Hardware Platform, USA: .

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