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Woodworking Magazines for Finding Good WoodTurning Tools and Supplies. I knew I would forget one source of wood turning tools, that would be “Woodworking Magazines” Surpisingly there are quite a few woodworking magazines still around. It seemed as though some disappeared with the advent of the internet but then digital magazines became available and their printed cousins returned. Personally, I really like sitting down and reading a magazine made from paper, digital is OK, but nothing like collecting a box of good ole magazines! Anyway, I’m not even going to mention any names, just Google “woo. Craft Supplies USA is your headquarters for everything woodturning including tools, chucks, wood lathes, and sharpening systems, shop supplies and much more. We also offer a full range of woodturning project kits including pen kits, pepper mills, bottle stoppers and more at exceptional prices and backed by our % Satisfaction Guarantee.  Who we are. Since , woodturners have trusted Craft Supplies USA to provide them with the finest woodturning tools and supplies. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service and stand behind the products we sell. Our goal at Craft Supplies USA is simple: to make doing business with us so enjoyable that you look forward to doing business with us again. Find the best 'Woodturning Tools' near you by sharing your location or by entering an address, city, state or zip code. Share your location. Or.  woodturning and woodworking tools and supplies throughout the UK and beyond. Our aim is to give you the opportunity to purchase both basic and speciality items from our large stock. Our promise is to.

This site contains details of what I do — it does not mean that it is safe or legal for you to do the same, and I accept no responsibility woodturning supplies near me uk you do.

You are responsible for ensuring that what you do is within your capabilities and is safe and legal in your country. If I can I will respond — email will usually get a quicker response. Many of the guns illustrated belong to friends or clients who have given permission for them to be included.

Most of the photos on this website are mine, a few are from other sources or are photographed from books. The guns photographed mostly belong to other people who are happy for them to be on the web — I always ask.

My photos are copyright — you are welcome to use them for your own woodturning supplies near me uk, but not for gain — woodturning supplies near me uk always attribute them to cablesfarm. The image you will normally see on your screen is at a lower resolution still, as wordpress fits it to the page and decreases the resolution very considerably to speed up loading.

Clicking on any photo will show you the full or width version if your screen resolution allows it — they are very much clearer. All the photos were originally taken at much higher resolution — up to pixels wide — if you want a higher resolution version of any of the photos e. For serious research publications I am woodturning supplies near me uk to take new photos of guns I have access to. So now woodturning supplies near me uk know why the photos in the normal view look a bit murky!

Just click on them for a better photo. I left it til this morning to tackle, which meant stripping out the old element and putting in a new one — then I hunted out an A. You then take the very hot flask and investmetn etc and as soon as the metal is no longer glowing red hot dunk it in a bucket of water, at which the investmetnt falls out and leaves the brass object to be cleaned etc,,, Much to my surprise the casting had filled and picked up all the details from the wax impression!

There were plenty of lumps where bubbles had formed in the investment, which I was expecting, but those are additions and can be filed off, so if it had been a much more carefully made wax, and cast in silver it woodturning supplies near me uk have been usable.

But I do need to find out what went wrong with the mixing and degassing of the investment. The AGA lid fell on my hand as I held the kettle handle! Just goes to show you never know where danger lurks — be warned…….

Vacuum chamber for degassing investment and stand for flask for sucking metal into the investment. Apart from the add-on bubbles, the defects in the quickly made wax are faithfully reproduced! Success, up to a point…. Now I am puzzled! I did what one does nowadays — googled lost wax casting, looked at loads of YouTube how to videos and manufacturers recommendations, so I thought I knew what to expect!

The investment powder is new and should be fine, the water was tap water, the vacuum was around inches of Hg, so good — the only thing I can think of is that it is quite cold in my workshop and the powder was also cold………. Anyway I have gone ahead with heating it up to degrees to bake it out. I will have to do some trial investments into plastic pots so I can see if I can get things right before I try any more waxes — I can just saw them open and look for bubbles….

I will try to keep everything at a better temperature and might use distilled water if there is any in the tumble drier! I have done the next video — No 5 — I will upload it asap, it usually takes 24 hours. The purpose of the rod end was twofold — it provided a powder measure so that the charge loaded was always exactly right, and it allowed the loader to insert the powder right into woodturning supplies near me uk breech rather than pour it down the barrel from the muzzle you hold the pistol muzzle down and insert the rod fully, then turn them muzzle up.

This woodturning supplies near me uk is common in competition muzzle loading rifle shooting as it keeps the powder from contamination and losses in the barrel, but I would question how important an exact charge is in a duelling pistol that is normally snap shot. It probably indicates that duelling pistols were used more often for target shooting in galleries than duelling. I figured that I could get away with a 6. I should have woodturning supplies near me uk the two parts together before I tapered them, but I cut them separately, setting the top slide to about 1.

Because of holding constraints I cut the tapers on the two parts in different directionssetting the adjustable top slide as near as I could in each direction. Having said that, it turned out much better than I deserved!

I checked how much powder the measure holds — around 0. Time I put up a few photos, must take some tomorrow! I did know that most lock parts were hammer forged not cast, casting requires higher temperatures than could be readily achieved by most small workshops as you have to melt the iron, whereas forging is done at red heat, and he shows a few examples of hand forged parts. Two things struck me, the first is how cluttered the lockmakers benches looked in the photos from years ago — made me feel much better about my own bench.

The other was in the detailed description of making a mainspring — they had a nifty jig for putting the bend in woodturning supplies near me uk — I would copy it if I did woodturning supplies near me uk mainsprings, The account said that when filed up, the spring would be opened on a bunsen burner to allow the inside faces to be polished.

The test of a good, finished, spring was that woodturning supplies near me uk the ends were forced together the tapering of the spring arms should be such that a 20 thou feeler gauge could just be run all the way between the two leaves.

That does make sense of the shaping of mainsprings, along with the need to avoid contact with the barrel. I drilled and tapped for the top jaw screw, using 1 B. I then had to file the square hole for the tumbler shaft — The way I do it is as follows:- Find the lowest workable position for the arm on the tumbler, this was before the tumbler hit its end stop and when the spring contacting arm is not running into the edge of the lock pocket woodturning supplies near me uk I fixed the tumbler in this position with a small wedge of wood.

In this position the cock stop should just be hitting the top edge of the lock. I cut a neat woodturning supplies near me uk in a card to exactly fit the tumbler square, then take it off and apply isocyanate adhesive and activate it — this makes the card round the hole rigid.

Now refit the card on the tumbler square and mark the top edge of the woodturning supplies near me uk where the cock stop will hit and draw an extended line along one side of the tumbler square with a ruler. Now cut the card along the mark for the top edge of the lock and pin prick points along the extended Woodturning Supplies Near Me 2020 line. This assumes that the stop on the cock was in the right place, of course — woodturning supplies near me uk was in this case!

Once ithe cock is nearly woodturning supplies near me uk, I squeeze it in woodturning supplies near me uk lead covered jaws of the vice to swage it onto the tumbler. Job done…. The Wogdon is beginning to look like a pistol at last.

Woodturning supplies near me uk I have to find a way of making them! I also need to make the cup for the head of the side nail in silver — I might try a cuttlefish casting for that, and then glue it onto a rod and turn it to shape:? Its really difficult to re-make holes that are almost right as it involves drilling into the edge of the old hole — in practice it is not even worth trying!

In this case I was able to put a 5 mm end mill through the lock plate in the correct position for the new frizzen screw hole and take out the old 3. Woodturning supplies near me uk then hammered a slightly tapered 1 degree peg into the hole and fused it very lightly on the inside with the welder.

I was then able to put the new hole through the centre of the plug. The early Wogdon frizzens had a very small roller in the lobe that runs on the spring — it works without the roller, but I will probably fit one for authenticity! As far as the locks are concerned that leaves me with a top jaw and top jaw screw to make, and the cock to bend a little to clear the flash guard. At some point I need to make the ramrod fittings, but I guess that can wait till the pipes are installed.

I waited ages before I began to shape the stock, now I have to wait ages before I can start to apply finish……. Today I made the barrel bolts to hold the barrel through the loops I put in under the barrel. There are at least three ways to woodturning supplies near me uk barrel bolts — you can heat up a suitable strip of metal and hammer a head on it, you can build up woodturning supplies near me uk large blob of weld on the end of the strip, or you can take a sheet of thicker metal and mill either side to leave woodturning supplies near me uk head at the end.

All ways end up filing it to shape. If not, or for larger barrel bolts I machine down a strip and file up the heads. Any way you then have to cut a fine slot down the middle, which I do by drilling a few small holes of 1. My thinnest files are about 0. Depending on the slope of the stock the head will be filed at an angle — the one near the muzzle has a distinct slope, the rear one is pretty straight.

Anyway that is another job done. The ones I made need a bit more tidying up, and the heads are probably a bit on the bold side, but they can always be filed down. I made a list of all the jobs still to be done apart from finishing the stock and engraving the lock, barrel, false breech and trigger guard I have to sort out the ramrod, pipes and ends etc.

It is thought that Wogdon and most London Gunmakers bought their locks in, probably from Birmingham, and that probably included the set triggers see the Wogdon book for this opinion They may well have bought in the steel furniture.

He also put his engraving out to an engraver — at some point to William Palmer. I discovered today that the person I had been sitting next to last March at interviews for a new head teacher developed Covid 19 at about the same time as I did — I wonder who gave it to who?

Woodturning supplies near me uk remedial woodturning supplies near me uk — the AGA oil fired cooker died, or at least was in its death woodturning supplies near me uk. It happens from time to time as its a very primitive machine. The filter clogs up every time the tank is refilled as it stirs up sediment, but I did that last week. The other regular problem is the burner which needs de-coking to get rid of a buildup of carbon and gunk.

It is just an open wick system so it just needs the burner taken out one union and a long drill rod put up the oil pipe and the carbon chipped out of the oil reservoir — takes about 45 minutes but woodturning supplies near me uk AGA needs to cool down first, and then get up to temperature again. All done by lunchtime. I made a test barrel bolt yesterday and got both slots working, so I felt entitled to get on with shaping the stock at last.

Anyway I got all the preliminary shaping done so most of the excess wood is removed and the shape is basically defined. I then sanded with and so that I could see any faults and also run my fingers over the surface — touch is much better at exploring the shape than sight on wood where the surface has grain and is matte. The Wogdon duelling pistols were unusual in the shape of the butt — the book helpfully gives the dimensions of each pistol — the one I am working from has a very wide end to the butt — I have made it a bit smaller than the width given but its still a lot bigger than most of the duelling pistols of that era — the Hutchinson is very slim by comparison.

Then I have to make a vacuum chamber and get or make some form of vacuum pump and get my furnace going and find a decent gas torch. Had a chance to minister to my ailing desktop PC in its agony. Turned out to be not so bad, although rather woodturning supplies near me uk winded. My only problem was finding an empty USB stick with enough space on it. But it all worked, and to my surprise there was no requirement to show that the computer had a legitimate copy of Windows It seems as if Microsoft has such a big and solid chunk of the market that they have dropped the paranoia over licenses, thank goodness.

I am homing in on shaping the stock, and finishing off a number of small jobs that need to be done before then, including fixing the false breech with a screw I have already made No 8 UNC and making and fitting the barrel bolts.

I guess I ought to pin the trigger guard in place, but I may leave that as I might want to inlet it a bit more when the shaping is finished. Idly reading the Wogdon book after dinner, as one does, I spotted that most of the duelling pistols actually pin the trigger woodturning supplies near me uk tang through the butt, as I was expecting.

Oh, and I checked in Kaye and Laby — the physicists bible — and discovered that silver is the most thermally conductive metal bar none — I had a feeling it might be…. Unfortunately my desktop computer is terminally ill and will need some serious attention when I get time.

Has fun getting the hook made for the tang of the trigger guard, and then getting it to work properly. Then the real fun was silver soldering the parts of the trigger guard together.

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