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I am also interested in temperature and fan hzrdware, as well as fan speed control features. The main applications for a logging implementation are storing and archiving sensor data, or post processing recorded data. The embedded key is lost, requiring a call to Microsoft to verify the hardware change. Definitions 1 Number of new articles received by the journal 2 Lig of peer review invitation emails that were hardwxre out 3 Number of completed peer review reports received 4 Open hardware now log number of articles rejected including desk rejects 5 Number of articles rejected prior to peer review open hardware now log Number of articles that received a 'Accept for publication' decision 7 Number of acceptances, as a percentage, against the total number of final decisions 8 'Mean' average from submission to publication for all publications in the volume. I am not yet completely sure what the best way is to log the data, and what needs to be configurable by the user.

I have attached my work-in-progress exe and would like to contribute to your project. I can be contacted at ourstuff at gmail. It's nice to see someone actually using the source code. Some hardware like the T-Balancer can't handle calls to Update more than once per second, while other relies on the Update being made once per second like harddisk SMART. This is not a very well design atm, but it's not so easy to improve. The way it is right now, you can assume all sensors to be well updated at all times.

As far as I understood from the Japanese WinRing0 page, the author has stopped development on WinRing0, because now also single persons and no longer employees of companies only can obtain a Code Signing License.

So he does no longer see any need for releasing new signed versions of WinRing0. I guess the development of the driver has to continue as part of the Open Hardware Monitor project. If you want to contribute to the project it is best to join me in the IRC channel hardware-monitor on irc.

For larger contributions it might be best to discuss the overall design first. Here is code for a first attempt at logging. It is based on version 0. Thank Open Hardware Now Zone you very much. Hardware namespace and below should only be code directly used to read sensors and represent the current sensor and hardware configuration. Hardware namspace. This means that any data logging code shouldn't be in the Computer class either.

The reports code is a bit a special case, because sensors needs to have a hardware specific GetReport method. But when I now look at it, everything about Reports in the Computer class shouldn't be there either.

Maybe the visitor pattern could be used to implement general operations on the tree. Right now it uses workarounds for cases when sensors appear for the first time only after some time. The data logging should handle appearing and disappearing sensors. Possible solutions: Let the user choose which sensors are logged to a file.

If Openvpn Hardware Log a sensor is not pressent, just an empty string or "-" is logged for that sensor. Sensors can be identified with ISensor. Or data logging uses a header file with just one header of ISensor. Every new sensor one that does not appear in the current header just allocates a new column in the data logging file at the end of the current configuration and adds itself to the header.

Disapearing sensors will be logged just as empty as above. The data csv would not contain any header or it will have to be updated after every change. The application version can just be accessed from anywhere in the code already, and the rest is logging specific code and should be moved to corresponding classes.

Some of the functions could be properties as well. Is there any progress on implementing logging to a text file to the OHM? I would be very nice feature. Right now as Open Hardware Logic Analyzer Error I know only 2 simmilar applications has this functionality. First one is very buggy not all sensors are visible, not all are working. All data is logged to simple CSV file.

Just import that to Excel and create pivot table and you have got all you need to analyze temperatures, voltages and fan speeds. I'm missing same functionality in OHM.

Eventually you can grab data from plot. It has historical data so probably values are already stored somewhere - just dump them or I'm wrong - sorry I'm not a programmer. However, only temperatures are logged on plot Original comment by winiarsk Original comment by thor The logging to text file is not intended to be used as interface for realtime access to the sensor data.

The main applications for a logging implementation are storing and archiving sensor data, or post processing recorded data. It can be used also as a persistent record of sensor data when the PC freezes for example.

For realtime sensor data access there is Issue Currently the data gets exported to WMI and can be read from other processes. You can choose what level debug, warning, error, You have a lot of options.

In the code you just add a private variable 'Log' and use it everywhere in the project. Error "Error in the module Original comment by zergman Open-hardware-monitor was very useful for me especially as I monitor the temperatures of a remote pc which makes some measurements in a hot environment I optimized the cpu power so that the cpu fun can hold the temperature under limit values.

However, I realized that a maximum of 24h history plot is restrictive. A logging option would be perfect. Actually, it should be very simple. The only needed parameter is the time interval. In my opinion the log-file should contain all the data which is used for plotting, a header line which describes each column i. Regards, Dr. Kaymak Original comment by yalcin. Just a thought, since this is in. And then a custom logger can be written so that "what to log" can be configured from nlog.

Original comment by faulty I concur with Zergman, log4net similar to log4j is a powerful, versatile and user configurable tool for text logging. Taks care of everything: log levels, file size, rotations, etc, etc Yet, nlog looks great too.

Just don't reinvent the wheel! Original comment by eric. Logging to txt files would be very useful in case of BSODs. So you can see the temps before the shit happened. Original comment by usa. I think a good way would be to log it to a database SQLite or something similar , each record can just have a column for each piece of hardware selectable by the user? Then you could output that to a graph program etc or read the last record to see where the system failed.

Which is what I need, my system shuts off when playing high graphic games and I'm trying to figure out exactly what is going on, if it's overheating I want to find out which part is, so I need the monitor program to log the data, then I can just switch it back on, look at the last log entry and see which part is over it's recommended heat. Original comment by jaz on 17 Jun at Comments may be moderated by the journal, however, if they are non-offensive and relevant to the publication subject, comments will remain online without edit.

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