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Open-source hardware (OSH) consists of physical artifacts of technology designed and offered by the open-design movement [1]. Both free and open-source software (FOSS) and open-source hardware are created by this open-source culture movement and apply a like concept to a variety of components. It is sometimes, thus, referred to as FOSH (free and open-source hardware).  What Is Open Source Hardware? Open Source Hardware Explained - EEVblog # TEDxBrussels - David Cuartielles - Open Source Hardware-. Free and Open Source Software Tools for Making Open Source Hardware - Leon Anavi, Konsulko Group. 36C3 - Linux on Open Source Hardware with Open Source chip design. Transcription. Contents. 1 History. 2 Forms of open-source hardware. The Journal of Open Source Software is a developer friendly, open access journal for research software packages. Committed to publishing quality research software with zero article processing charges or subscription fees. Submit a paper to JOSS 🎉 Volunteer to review. Explore Papers Documentation Learn More. Recently Published Papers published Published 2 days ago. Bempp-cl: A fast Python based just-in-time compiling boundary element library. HardwareX is an open access journal established to promote free and open source designing, building and customizing of scientific infrastructure (hardware). HardwareX aims to recognize researchers for the time and effort in developing scientific infrastructure while providing end-users with sufficient information to replicate and validate the advances presented.  Authors are encouraged to submit hardware developments that address all aspects of science, not only the final measurement, for example, enhancements in sample preparation and handling, user safety, and quality control. The use of distributed digital manufacturing strategies (e.g. 3-D printing) is encouraged. All designs must be submitted under an open hardware license. Hide full Aims & Scope. Most Downloaded. In the STTR program, the small business is required to formally collaborate with a research institution in the early phases. Meas 62 4 : Scientists are specialists and thus more technical customers when considering scientific hardware. This advantage lies primarily with the relatively new Libre Hardware field, however there is no technical reason that Open Hardware could not be equally well calibrated and validated. Any addition, deletion open source hardware journal example rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal Open source hardware journal example.

What if food production could be automated? Together we can take back ownership of our food, localize production, and feed 9 billion people sustainably. PirateBox is a DIY anonymous offline file-sharing and communications system built with free software and inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware.

It allows users to share files anonymously. Also check out LibraryBox , a fork of PirateBox customized for educational, library, and other needs. We are a worldwide community of farmers that build and modify our own tools. We share our hacks online and at meet ups because we become better farmers when we work together. Designed to be downloaded and made locally, Opendesk furniture is fast, affordable, sustainable and made on demand, just for you.

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino has been used in thousands of different projects and applications. Arduino boards are able to read inputs — light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message — and turn it into an output — activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. Also check out Local Motors , another community of enthusiasts building cool machines together.

Project Ara is the codename for an initiative by Google that aims to develop an open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself — a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. OpenKnit is an open-source, low cost, digital fabrication tool that affords the user the opportunity to create his own bespoke clothing from digital files.

Starting from the raw material, the yarn, and straight to its end use, a sweater for example, in about an hour. Designing and producing clothes digitally and wearing them can now happen in the very same place, rewarding the user with the ability to make decisions regarding creativity and responsibility. Controllable by smartphone or tablet. OpenROV is an open-source, low-cost underwater robot for exploration and education.

This is the full-featured, open-source multicopter UAV controller that won the Sparkfun and Autonomous Vehicle Competition dominating with the top five spots. A team of developers from around the globe are constantly improving and refining the performance and capabilities of Copter. The aim of the Open Hand Project is to make robotic prosthetic hands more accessible to amputees.

If all of us keep feeding our energy into the current system of Big Ag, Big Finance and Big Consumption, nothing will change. Skip to Main Content. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

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Baden, A. Chagas, G. Gage, T. Marzullo, L. Prieto-Godino, T. PLoS Biol, 13 3 e Science, , Elsevier, Amsterdam, Reference to a chapter in an edited book: [4] T. Tseng, Modifying the Shape of an Arduino, in: A. Gibb Ed. Reference to a website: [5] R. Supplementary material Supplementary material such as applications, images and sound clips, can be published with your article to enhance it. Submitted supplementary items are published exactly as they are received Excel or PowerPoint files will appear as such online.

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