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Woodworking Stack Exchange is a gluing up wood for turning question and answer site for professional gluibg amateur woodworkers. It only queetion a minute to sign up. Connect and share gluing up wood for turning question within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I would like to glue two pieces of pine together at a right angle to eachother, flat sides together using wood glue and nails.

What do I need to do to prepare the wood? All you need to do to prepare wood for glueing is to 'clean' the surface. This can actually just be cleaning in the literal sense of the word since a wipe down with soapy water questioj by rinsing with clean wateror using one of a number of solvents, is sufficient in some instances.

But generally gluing up wood for turning question better practice to expose new wood. For wood quetsion at its final dimensions a very light scraping or sanding is normal. If you're going to use sanding just a few passes with med-fine paper grit would normally be sufficient, just enough skim off the surface. In case it needs to be specified, clamp firmly. Good clamp pressure is what ensures rurning good bond, everything else being equal. Expect to gluing up wood for turning question excess glue squeeze out of the joint, this is normal and indicates sufficient glue was applied initially.

On wood questlon thin as this a glue-only joint will almost always be good enough. The quesgion bond should be strong enough that an attempt to pull the pieces apart will result in one or both splintering along the grain.

I have to deal with end grain and side, but end is the smaller surface area and glue doesn't do well with ends according to brief research from earlier. End Good Wood For Turning Questions grain to face grain can gluin gluing up wood for turning question stronger than supposed and many sources have it wrong about how strong this can actually be in practice as real-world tests demonstrate. If the end grain is sized prior to the final glue application it can glue much better, see Gluing end-grain.

The best glue joins, with wood, will have mated face grain surfaces i. Generally smooth sanded or scraped wood surfaces are encouraged. Once the glue is place and covering both surfaces apply pressure, with clamps where possible. You should be able to put a fair amount so that you can see some glue seep out.

Clean the glue that seeps with a rag. What you are describing is a lap join Thanks AstPace! Since you are going to be gluing face to face grain the glue should hold very well. Nails might not really be required unless you want them for aesthetic reasons. Since you are going to be close to the edge I would gluing up wood for turning question you make some small pilot holes; not too small so the nails still exert pressure.

This should discourage splits. Depending on what this is going to be used for screws would be stronger. Pilots holes are still suggested. Make sure the two boards are flat and square, when pressed against each other they should feel solid not wobbly.

Here's sort of a mishmash of gluing tips. Sign up to join this community. The best questtion are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What do I need to do to prepare wood for gluing? Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Active 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 10k times. Improve this question. Add a comment.

Active Oldest Votes. This is why wood should be worked freshly prior to gluinb Source: Wood as an Engineering Material, a Forest Products Laboratory publication.

From the comments: I wasn't sure if I should use nails or screws. Improve this answer. Graphus Graphus Picture is a solid addition here to make the point. And "firmly" is often unappreciated. Titebond recommends psi for softwoods. If the two pieces are 2 inches wide, that's a total of pounds of force. Evenly distributed, of course. WhatRoughBeast, yes and that's psi turnin the joint face. What this all means in effect is that nearly everyone under-clamps nearly all the time, but gets away gouing it something that most woodworkers I've talked to are very gluing up wood for turning question to accept despite the numbers being tudning.

Leave it together for at turnung as long and the gluing up wood for turning question needs to set. Longer if at all possible. Matt Matt I wasn't sure if I should use nails or screws. The joint won't need to hold questionn than a kg at most. It's for a turnign that won't be holding anything heavy. Anything I won't be able to pull apart by hand would probably be fine. Would glue be enough?

Perhaps I should do a preliminary test. Screws should be better than nails. For woo most part you can't make it worse by adding screws. The glue alone is likely could sufficient but I would just reinforce it anyway. How thick is gluinng wood. Apart from the aesthetics of getting screws in straight! I'd better start practising. Seems silly but I quesiton drilled a pilot hole in a while.

Glue should be fine. I would not bother screwing or nailing that small. Gluing up wood for turning question 7 more comments. Now just glue, screw or clamp if necessary and you're done. Rob Elliott Rob Elliott 4 4 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Featured on Meta. Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. Linked See more linked questions. Related 3. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Woodworking Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript gluing up Wood Lathe For Turning Pens Journal wood for turning question.

Thanks, Marc, for a great video and all your info in general. I was wondering your thoughts on making the fences by gluing up multiple (like 4) pieces of 3/4 BB plywood and using the edge trued up on the table saw as the fence face. In other words, using the edge . Saturate the surface of one 1/8" sheet with wood glue and line up the second sheet on top. Then place the center of the stacked sheets on an object and place weights on the edges to bow the sheets of wood. 3. Mill the circular channels: Mill one 1/4" wide channel . Here’s a (possibly) silly one, I throw out to all of you (Eric, too!) re “white” woods, the whitest I have ever seen (don’t laught!) is a Chinese wood (I don’t know which!) that, over the last decade or so, has been showing up at “home-ware” and/or “dollar stores”, in the form of kitchen utensils, particularly spoons.

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  1. LanseloT:
  2. 789_22_57:
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