General Finishes Gel Stain Application Video App,Lumber Products Airline 5g,Aqua Wood Grain Filler Vessel - Easy Way

How to Apply Gel Stain and Gel Topcoat to Raw Wood | General Finishes University

And oh my word were there tears when that general finishes gel stain application video app The next time I refinish some cabinetry I will be sure to take much better and more detailed pictures for you guys, promise. And after you finish checking out this gel stain tutorial, hop on over to my post about what top coat to choose for your cabinets!

The cabinetry and vanities were good quality but they had been stained an amber color that was way too orange for my taste. The consistency is not as thick as paint but not as thin as a stain, which made it really easy to use. I liked the look after two coats, but I wound up doing three coats because I thought it would appeal to more buyers when I put the house up for sale.

After a lot of research and reading a lot of reviews, I went with General Finishes gel stain in antique walnut. I was gonna go with the very popular color, java, but the antique walnut went better with the overall look of the house. I also read a lot of reviews where people general finishes gel stain application video app their project came out a little too dark with the java gel stain so I erred on the side of caution and went with antique walnut, which is General Finishes Gel Stain Application Video View fairly dark after multiple coats but has a deeper brown than the java.

In some lighting, I actually think my cabinets look like they were stained with java as opposed to antique walnut.

Check out these pint sized Antique Walnut and Java general finish gel stains! Foam Brushes [ found general finishes gel stain application video app ] or natural bristle brush or cotton cloth. Fine Grit Sanding Sponge this one or this one or grit sandpaper. They might be off for a few days and we all know how much screws like to roll around. Again, make sure you put the hinges and screws in a bag or box and label them!

So after general finishes gel stain application video app trial and error, I finally figured out where everything went. Like a lot of trial and error to the point where I stripped a few holes and had to do some finagling for things to work out. Also, make sure you find a good system for remembering which doors go where.

I had a lot of cabinets so I had rotate the cabinets to the staining area and have them fully dry elsewhere. Now you want to rough up the surface of the doors and the cabinet face frames a little bit so that gel stain has a good surface to adhere to. You might notice in the picture that I had to use an orbital sander and take my cabinets down to bare wood.

Just take a fine sanding block or grit sandpaper and lightly scuff the entire cabinet frame and door. Take a damp rag and clean off all the dust you might have made from scuffing the cabinets. Make sure you let the surface dry completely before starting with the gel stain. Then you have to pick these little pieces of dust covered stain off of the cabinets before it dries and touch up all the finger prints. I used foam brushes to apply the stain but you can also use either a natural bristle brush or cotton cloth.

General finishes gel stain application video app the tip of the applicator into the stain a little goes a long way and work with the grain of the wood in long strokes. If the stain pools, wipe up the excess with an extra foam applicator or a rag. Work in small sections as the stain gets tacky fairly quickly causing it to pull as you work. I worked it into the corners first since that was the most difficult area to get to.

I did a lot of research prior to attempting this project and I found a lot of other people who tried it without wiping. Basically, I used it more as a paint than as a stain.

If you are going for more of a stain look, definitely wipe the stain off after applying! However, I still tried the directions on the general finishes gel stain can first but I hated the outcome! When I applied the stain and wiped it off, even after waiting quite a whileit seemed like I was literally wiping off everything I was putting on — like everything!

So I then did multiple thin coats and love the makeover! I let the stain dry for 24 hours in between each coat and found the longer it dried, the easier the next coat went on. The instructions say it should only take hours to dry but I was gel staining my kitchen cabinets in the cold, damp basement so the drying time was a bit longer.

If you want a deeper richer color, repeat steps 5 and 6 on both sides of the door. After allowing the additional coats of stain to dry, apply a sealer or top coat. The one I General Finishes Gel Stain Application Video Volume chose, General Finishes high performance top coatis a water based top coat. It looks a little cloudy when you put it on, but it dries to a clear hard finish. I did four coats on the kitchen cabinets with the thought that grubby hands would be touching behind the handles multiple times a day.

So I was hoping that they hold up to more wear and tear with more coats. Unlike the gel stain you have to sand between topcoats with a grit sandpaper. You just need to lightly scuff the surface so that the next coat has something to grab a hold of. Allow each coat coat to dry for about hours before applying the next. Like a lot. It also takes a lot of time because of having to wait for each side of the cabinet doors to general finishes gel stain application video app before flipping them over and repeating the process on the other side.

Have you tried or are going to try general finishes gel stain to refinish kitchen cabinets? Come back and comment and let me know how it went! As for mine, here are the finished results…. So below is the top coat I used and general finishes gel stain application video app out this post I wrote on what top coat and finish to choose and why.

Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women. Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances requires the use of proper protective equipment such as a properly fitted respirator NIOSH approved and proper containment and cleanup.

Theme by HB-Themes. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. The next time I refinish some cabinetry I will be sure to take much better and more detailed pictures for you guys, promise And after you finish checking out this gel stain tutorial, hop on over to general finishes gel stain application video app post about what top coat to choose for your cabinets!

The Top Coat Oh! Like this: Like Loading Flipping Houses :: Before and After Pictures. Privacy Policy. Subscribe to Blog general finishes gel stain application video app Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

It's a wrap! General Finishes next round of tutorial videos are on their way! We will be releasing one per week for the month of November so stay tuned. First up is "How to Apply GF Gel Stain and Gel Topcoat to Raw Wood" In this video, Chris Adams of General Finishes shows you how to apply Gel Stain and Gel Topcoat to a walnut table leaf. You'll be mesermized by her technique and the amazing result. Oct 18,  · Gel stain is a go-to choice for DIYers because it delivers very uniform cover. The thick, pudding-like product sits atop the surface and won’t drip. Gel stain works on most surfaces from wooden to metal, and even painted surfaces can be gel stained. Unlike traditional oil-and-water-based stains, gel stain is very easy to apply by wiping it on. May 31,  · ANSWER: All stains need a top coat. Think of stain as the color and top coat as the sealer and protectant. The high urethane content of General Finishes Gel Stains results in a lustrous finish that tends to fool people into assuming no sealant is required. The beauty of Gel Stain comes from the thick urethane which can carry a LOT of color to any surface, but that color must be sealed in with .

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