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Fein Turbo II HEPA Wet-Dry Vac

Jul 28,  · The Fein Turbo II Dust Extractor with HEPA filter is powerful, yet surprisingly quiet. It fills roles as wet/dry vacuum and dust extractor very well. Cord and hose storage could be improved along with easier changes between brush and rubber blade Fein Turbo Ii Hepa 500 on the combination nozzle/ For clean results and healthy working conditions. Powerful, reliable and mobile – FEIN Fein Turbo Ii Hepa 80 vacuums ensure Fein Turbo I Hepa effective dust extraction in the shop and on-site. Compact, Auto-Clean and HEPA models with Fein Turbo Ii 920 25 Bags a wide range of filters and accessories. www.- - Amazon Quick LinkFEIN Turbo II HEPA Vacuum Cleaner Set, Gallon, W Includes: 13 ft Suction Hose, FilterAs an Amazon Associate.

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