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So much cuteness! You'll find everything from ways build a toy soldier save at the grocery storeonline shopping dealsfree or affordable family events in the Northwest, dining discountsfrugal DIY tips and much more! Britains Deetail Current Plastic Unpainted Plastic Classic unpainted plastic toy soldiers. Naval guns. I personally could not stand it with that paint on my face.

Such a fun memory! Glue on the googly eyes and the pom pom ball hat. Cut a piece of ribbon for hanging the ornament. We thought that the arms looked best with two layers of pipe cleaner.

Cut a segment of red pipe cleaner and fold the ends in toward the center as shown. This next step is important! I recommend using a sharpie to number them inside so you know which pot is which part of the body. You can label the inside of the pots in the following order, to make it easier to keep track of them:.

Once all of the paint has dried spray your pots with a sealer or shellac spray to protect the paint. After all paint and final coating have thoroughly dried you are ready to assemble your toy soldier. Mix your epoxy glue you could also use Gorilla glue, but I would not recommend something like Hot Glue Guns, as you want a permanent adhesive so they do not come apart and break.

When gluing the pots together you are going to want to glue two bottoms, then two tops, then two bottoms and then two tops. Glue them in this order:. The last step is to embellish your Toy Soldier. You can use the hot glue gun or your epoxy glue for this step To decorate like the soldier pictured here you can:. Ancient World. Alexander the Great. Near East. Sea People of the Middle East.

Steppe Warriors. The Trojan War. Middle Ages. Archers and Crossbowmen. Arthurian Legend. Crusading orders of knights.

Eastern Europe. Fantasy and Fairy Tales. Game of Thrones. Hundred Years War. Lord of the Rings. Men at arms. Poland and Eastern Europe. Prince Valiant. Robin Hood. Saracens and Warriors of Islam. Siege equipment. Warhammer Fantasy Game. Wars of the Roses. Wrath of the Northmen. Napoleonic Wars.

British and Allied Cavalry. British Infantry. British Riflemen. English Allies. French Navy. Marching Bands. Napoleon Allies. Napoleon Enemies. Old Guard.

Peninsula Campaign. Royal Marines. World War II. Afrika Korps. Battle of the Bulge. British and Commonwealth Forces. British Sailors. Eastern Front. European Theater. German Air Force and Navy.

German Infantry and Armor. Italian Campaign. Iwo Jima. Japanese Infantry. Japanese Navy and Air Forces. Mediterranean Theater. North African Campaign. Operation Market Garden. Pacific Campaign. Russian Campaign. Russian Infantry and Armor. Southeast Asia Campaign. US Air Force. US Infantry and Armor. US Marine Corps.

US Navy. Pre History. Asian Armies. Moghul India. Ottoman Empire. Age of Exploration. Colonial America. English Civil War. French Musketeers.

Jamestown Settlement. Native Americans. Siege of Malta. Spanish Armada. The Turkish Army and Navy. Character Figures. Great Northern War. Imperial Forces. Thirty Years War. Austrian Armed Forces. Dutch Armed Forces. Eastern Woodland Indians. English Infantry and Cavalry.

Frederick the Great. French and Indian War. French Armed Forces. French Revolution. Holy Roman Empire. Jacobite Rebellions. Last of the Mohicans. Rogers Rangers. Seven Years War. Spanish Armed Forces. US Infantry. War of the Spanish Succession. American Forces. American War. Battle of New Orleans. British Forces.

Alamo Defenders. James Bonham. Mexican Infantry and Cavalry. New Orleans Grays. Santa Anna. William Barrett Travis. American Indian Wars.

Banana Wars. Custers Last Stand. Fort Apache. Little Big Horn. Mexican Adventure. Mexican American War. Rough Riders. Spanish American War. US Cavalry. US Marines. Wild West. American Colonial Adventures. Barbary Pirates. Boer War. Boxer Rebellion. British Armed Forces. British Naval and Marine Units. Charge of the Light Brigade. Crimean War. Foreign Legion. France's Mexican Adventure. Franco Prussian War. French Colonial Wars. Indian Mutiny. Moro Rebellion. Naval Vessels. Northwest Frontier.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Russo Japanese War. Russo Turkish War. Southern Africa. Sudan Campaign. Victoria Cross Winners.

Zulu War. World War I. American Infantry and Cavalry. Austro-Hungarian Forces. Battle of Mons East Africa. French and Belgian Forces. Germany and her Allies. Italian Forces. Lawrence of Arabia. Marching bands. Medical subjects. Russian Forces. Turkish and Ottoman Forces.

United States Navy. Western Front. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Ceremonial Units. Civilian and Sports figures. Cold War. Delhi Durbar. Desert Storm. English Ceremonial Figures. Falklands Campaign. French Foreign Legion. Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. Korean War. Middle East. Moro Rebellon. Movie Monsters. Operation Desert Storm. Playmobil Adventures. Russian and Warsaw Pact Forces. Russian Revolution. Russo-Japanese War. Siege of Peking. Spanish Civil War.

The Movie Business. Untouchables and Gangsters. US Military Academies. Viet Nam. Wild and domesticated animals. Civilian and Sports Figures.

Hunters and Hunting Subjects. Israeli Armed Froces. Modern Elite Forces. Operation Enduring Freedom. Operation Iraqi Freedom. Urban Terrorists and Militias. Science fiction. Characters and just plain folks. Space ships. Star Wars. Warhammer 40k Game. Zombies and the Undead. Civilians and Musicians.

Christmas subjects. Female subjects. Hunting and riding subjects. Masters of Science. Movie Subjects. Playmobil Mansion Line. Police and Firemen. Sherlock Holmes. Sports and Games. Victorian Life. Zoo-Related Items. Christmas Subjects. Dickens Characters. March of the Wooden Soldiers. Steadfast Tin Soldier. Makers Playsets by TSC. Britains Metal Toy Soldiers. Bastion Models. Britains Vintage Replicas. King and Country. Accurate Figures. Ace Models.

Airfix Originals and Recasts. Alamo Buildings. Alliance Kits. Animated Figures by TSC. Armies in Plastic. Austin Miniatures. Avalon Hill Games. Barcelona Universal Models. Black Cat. Blue Box. BMC Toys. Book Selections. Britains Deetail Current Plastic. Britains Herald Retired Plastic. Britains Retired Plastic. Butternut and Blue. Caesar Miniatures. Call to Arms. Castle World Displays. Charbens Recasts. Cherilea Recast Figures. Classic Toy Soldiers.

Conte Collectibles Metal. Conte Collectibles Plastic. Cunnyngham Collectibles. Days of Wonder. Defiance Games. DFC - Dimensions for Children. Dioramas Plus.

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