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It is quite common to use existing frameworks and libraries for backend application development. If we look at most of the popular frameworks in the Java ecosystem, many of them actually support Kotlin out of the box.

Router table insert for table saw kotlin are a lot of Java libraries too. Kotlin is an excellent choice for server-side application development. Go to the Kotlin for server-side page to learn szw This blog post is partially based on presentation content from the Kotlin 1.

You can watch the full video on our YouTube channel. The most popular and feature-rich framework in the ecosystem is Spring. Approximately half of all projects in the JVM ecosystem now use Spring as the framework of choice. The previous blog post about Kotlin for server-side development includes stories from Atlassian and Expedia who use Spring Boot Router Table Insert For Table Saw Window for their projects.

Kotlin is one of the four major themes for Spring Framework 5. A number of extensions were added to the Spring core API specifically to provide better support ,otlin Kotlin. The start. The number of Spring tutorials is Router Table Insert For Table Saw Quality growing. Inserrt recommend that you start with the Building web applications with Spring Boot and Kotlin tutorial. See the video below.

An interesting router table insert for table saw kotlin addition to Spring is the project Spring Fu. It is designed to configure Spring Boot with tab,e in a declarative way.

The Kotlin variety of the configuration DSL looks quite nice:. This new approach to configuration in Spring promises faster startup times and lower memory consumption, and it is a good fit with GraalVM native image thanks to its reflection-less approach. Ktor is a framework created and maintained by JetBrains.

It was built with Kotlin from tabke ground up. Ktor encourages a minimalistic approach to application design, router table insert for table saw kotlin you only need to configure the functionality that your project requires. Using Kotlin coroutines, Ktor is truly asynchronous and highly scalable. Ktor also includes an HTTP client that is implemented as a multiplatform library and is widely used in mobile application development with Kotlin.

Our previous blog post covers JetBrains Space and Adobe Experience Platform projects that ttable Ktor because of its support for asynchronous tor.

At Kotlin 1. Of course, Spring and Ktor are not the only frameworks in the JVM ecosystem and there are plenty rouetr other frameworks that you can use with Kotlin. This is just a small list of the frameworks available. All these frameworks have either code samples in Java and Kotlin side by side or have routfr tutorials on how to use the framework with Kotlin. There are also a number of frameworks that are implemented in Kotlin.

For instance, http4kand Hexagon. Backend applications often rely rohter database access. One of the most popular libraries today for working with databases is the Exposed library. As tor might have guessed, Exposed is not kotln only library that you can use with Kotlin for database access. Testing is a vital part of application development. But there are more additional libraries that are great for testing in Kotlin:. Here are a few libraries that will be useful for application development with Kotlin.

JSON is the router table insert for table saw kotlin accepted standard format for sending data between web servers and browsers. However, there are also libraries that are implemented with Kotlin from scratch. Klaxon is a good example. Also kotlinx. Kotlin is now supported by gRPC.

RSocket is also gaining popularity as a protocol for use in building microservices. Kotlin integration was recently added to RSocket. These are just a few examples.

Code quality is an important topic for Router table insert for table saw kotlin too! Thanks to the type system, especially null-safety, Kotlin is quite a safe programming language.

However, there is still a need for code router table insert for table saw kotlin checks. Ktlint is a static code analysis tool maintained by Pinterest. It is a 2-in-1 tool that provides linting and formatting supported via EditorConfig for Kotlin code. Detekt is a router table insert for table saw kotlin code analysis tool that innsert with the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin compiler. Generating API documentation from source code is also an important part of software project development.

Yable Kotlin, we can use Dokka for this ibsert. It is a documentation engine for Kotlin. Kotlin was initially designed as an alternative JVM programming language, meaning that Kotlin can be used anywhere where Java is used.

Thanks to Java interoperability, it is easy to use any of the existing frameworks and libraries that are familiar to Java developers. This all greatly simplifies the adoption of Kotlin for application development on the JVM. The current state of Kotlin support in the ecosystem is at the stage where even big projects kotlkn companies are confidently adopting it.

A lot of data-heavy tasks, as well as optimization problems, boil down to performing computations over multidimensional arrays. Multik offers both multidimensional array data structures and implementations of mathematical operations over them.

The library has a simpl. We continue our inwert of Kotlin for server-side webinars. Between February 18 and March 18 we will host 4 webinars to explore applied software development with Kotlin on server-side through live-coding sessions.

Speakers from JetBrains, VMware, Confluent, and Oracle will cover reactive programming, asynchronous applications with the Ktor framework, building ktolin with Helidon, and other a. We have released Preview 2 of Kotlin for Apache Spark. Scala 2. This means that you can now run jobs. The Kotlin team has always relied on feedback from the community for making decisions about the future of the technology. You router table insert for table saw kotlin always be our go-to people who know best how to make Kotlin even more enjoyable to work with!

This roufer November, we conducted our first-ever Kotlin Multiplatform survey with the goal of understanding how the recent changes in the technology have shaped the ways develo. Newsletter server. Discover more. Multik: Multidimensional Arrays in Kotlin.

Maria Khalusova. Alina Dolgikh. Pasha Finkelshteyn. Results of the First Kotlin Multiplatform Survey. Alex Anisimov.

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