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Clamping Miters? - The Wood Whisperer

Feb 19,  · Sneaking up on tight miter joints can be one of the most time-consuming and frustrating parts of trimming out a door, built-in, or window. I could ramble on about the design, adjustability, versatility, and payback time of using FHB contributor Jim Chestnut’s Clam Miter Clamps For Casing Zoom Clamps. But I’d rather just sum it up for you all by saying this: Clam Clamps are the fastest way to get the tightest miters. Clam Miter Clamps For Casing Zone Clamp Miter Clamps For Perfect Miters .. Fast: Orders, Warranty. To Order. I ship Only within the US at this time. Americans, please call 1 96 Miter which translates to 1 I accept Visa and Mastercard credit or debit cards. Call any time and leave a message with your name, area code and phone number, twice if calling. The clamps are spring steel, the Maestro's have very sharp points. So they work better on the edge of mitered trim. On larger trim, like a lot of the old Victorian style homes of Pittsburgh, the Clam clamps seem like a better idea. The Maestro/Ulmia clamps can be used on almost any miter joint, where holes in the moulding is acceptable.

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