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History of Rhetoric; Humor Studies; Stylistics; Discourse Studies; composition studies; classical rhetoric; examining prose style as a medium for performance and resource for negotiating social meaning. Eighteenth-century literature especially Samuel Johnson ; Rhetoric and composition especially pedagogy ; Science fiction especially nanotechnology and ethics.

Late 19th and 20th century British and Irish poetry; Irish culture and literature; gender and sexuality studies, history of sexuality, masculinity studies; creative writing, poetry; twentieth-century British poetry; Gender Studies; Gay and Lesbian Studies. Victorian Literature and culture; Gender Studies; Economic Criticism; Popular Culture; relationship between nineteenth-century sciences and the often-conflicting means by which Victorian authors, designers, and social commentators imagined and constructed their temporal present.

Climate variability and change; Climate impacts; Weather; Water Resource Community; investigation of the spatial and temporal nature Woodwork Tool Shops Near Me China of drought and measurement of its intensity and duration; development and assessment of climate change scenarios and their application for regional decision making.

Hazards, risk, and disasters; Vulnerability science; Environmental equality and inequality; what makes people and the places where they live vulnerable to extreme events and how vulnerability and resilience are measured, monitored, and assessed. Understanding limits to adaptation; adaptive capacity; analytical-deliberative processes; climate impacts; co-production of science to inform decision-making climate change, impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation.

Biogeography, landscape ecology, public land and water management, spatial analysis, spatial analysis and modeling to explore the effects of landscape transformation, non-native species, and disturbances such as flooding, fire and hurricanes on plant and animal communities.

Historical synoptic climatology, climate change, historical and Quaternary environments; paleoclimatology; arctic and alpine environments. Service marketing: Social and interpersonal influence, social support, influence of other customers, service failure and recovery; Organizational behavior: Leadership, employee training. British First World War, English, literature; literary criticism, non-western literature, and composition.

Renaissance and Reformation European history c. Nineteenth and Twentieth-century Southern history; U. Ledley; the role of the National Institutes of Health in promoting the development of computer technology in the s; biomedical computing; nanotechnology; how history is presented in games; computerization of biology and medicine.

Europe; Modern Europe; France; Gender and Religion; Catholics in nineteenth-century France; reconstitution of the church after the revolution; women in modern Europe; Pauline Craven; Enlightenment; French Revolution; French scientific voyages of the revolutionary era.

Germany; Europe; Modern Germany; environmental history; the urban experience in modern Europe; Nazism; relationship between nature conservation, landscape planning, and national identity in German history; history of anti-Semitic imagery in early 20th-century German nature conservation and homeland protection movements; renewable energy in Germany.

The Old South, slavery, sensory history a vibrant area of historical inquiry dedicated to examining the roles played by olfaction, hearing, touch, and taste as well as vision in shaping the past ; reconstruction; history of mixed martial arts; southern studies. History; race relations; reform and politics in the U.

American Social and Environmental History; Historic Preservation; Public History; African American heritage preservation; issues of race and space; historical memory and the problematic past; Historic secrets and controversial history.

Asia and China; Chinese drama and film; Chinese; comparative theater; Asian and Chinese studies; comparative literature; Chinese cinema theater. Greek language and literature; leadership, sport and combat in the Ancient World; classics; psychology.

Second Language Acquisition Theory, in particular the development of oral skills in learners of German as a foreign language. France; early modern French prose and verse polemic; European Studies; French language, culture, literature, and theatre.

Germanic linguistics; history of linguistics; medieval literature of Germany, Scandinavia, England, and the Low Countries; language typology; comparative study of sound change, word forms, and word origins. Germany; German-American relations; multicultural studies; gender issues in contemporary literature; German-Jewish studies, Jewish Studies; contemporary German literature.

Japanese; expressions of linguistic affect in socio-pragmatics; semiotics of food in Japanese modern literature about WWII; the effects of Japanese cinematic techniques on mimetics in story manga. Russian literature and culture; Russian regionalism; concepts of stylization in Russian literature; the interactions of folklore and literature; comparative literature. Spanish-American Modernismo; Caribbean from colonial times to the present; critical anthropology; postcolonial theory; postmodern historiography; cultural studies; Latin America; blacks and indigenous people in the Americas perception.

Latin America; Hispanic linguistics; phonological theory; historical linguistics; dialectology; language variation and change; Hispanic sociolinguistics; language acquisition; Spanish language, composition, stylistics and culture; Structure, sound, history and dialects of Spanish; Spanish in a socio-historic-cultural context; Spanish in the US; Spanish as a world language.

Number Theory; Analytic Classical Algebraic; lattice points close to a curve; distribution of special sequences of integers in short intervals; irreducibility of polynomials over the rationals; applications of Pade approximations to Number Theory; the irreducibility of polynomials over the rationals; computations with sparse or lacunary polynomials; covering systems of the integers.

Mathematics; combinatorics; extremal set and graph theory; graph coloring; operations research; applications of discrete math to biology; number theory; analysis of algorithms; communications. Latino literature and culture; Romance Languages and Literature. Approximation Theory; Harmonic analysis; Numerical methods; Function spaces; Nonlinear approximation from rational functions, splines, frames, ridge functions and more general dictionaries; approximation by ridge functions and neural networks; image processing; Spaces of distributions such as Hardy, Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in nonclassical, anisotropic and geometric settings; Construction of bases and frames needlets for Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in nonclassical and geometric settings; Applications of spherical needlets to approximation and fast evaluation of bandlimited functions on the sphere.

Spanish higher education, romance linguistics, language acquisition, comparative language teaching methodology. Graph Theory; combinatorics and its applications; discrete geometry; graphs drawn on surfaces; reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from genetic sequences; combinatorial geometry; phylogeny reconstruction; discrete probability; design and analysis of algorithms; combinatorial optimization; extremal problems graphs and set systems ; network science.

Analytic Number Theory and Approximation Theory; use of finite differences to determine information about lattice points close to a curve or surface; application of results to gap problems in Number Theory. Survival analysis, mediation analysis, clinical trials, statistical design, and analysis in health science.

Intersection of mediation and moderation models; effect size measures for mediation; measurement and evaluation of programs and outcomes; statistical pedagogy; quantitative psychology; statistical mediation analysis; prevention; developmental trajectories of substance use; prevention of child maltreatment. Quantum Field Theory; foundations of Quantum Theory; gravitational phenomena; cosmology; Gauge theories of gravity; theoretical physics; quantum mechanics of black holes; black hole thermodynamics.

Nuclear Theory; experimental nuclear physics; supernova; matter-antimatter interactions; hadron and light nuclei structures; experimental nuclear physics; annihilation of matter and antimatter; electromagnetic theory. Baryon spectroscopy; nucleon electromagnetic form factors; medium modifications of hadronic properties; few-body physics; polarization experiments; fundamental symmetries; physics of hadrons and nuclei; perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics pQCD , Chrial Perturbation Theory ChPT ; experimental nuclear physics.

Middle East, Asia; International; International Relations and Political Economy; Impact of globalization on conflict; Civil and interstate war; military disputes; terrorism; state repression; International trade; globalization and violence; trade between enemies; Foreign trade; globalization and war; threats to Israel's security; counter-terrorism; Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation; intersection between international political economy and conflict studies; impact of globalization on conflict, including civil and interstate war, military disputes, terrorism, and state repression;.

Asian studies; international studies; East Asia; rational choice theory; constitutional choice; electoral systems; electoral behavior; political parties; democratization; foreign policy; East Asian politics; comparative politics; political methodology; China; Taiwan.

African American politics; urban politics; public policy; citizen activism; social movements; post-Civil Rights Movement African American community; political, social, and ideological ramifications of changes in the post-Civil Rights Movement African American community; how class, gender, age and other social factors create differing definitions of what constitutes African American group interests and how groups of African Americans and their allies have acted upon these perceived interests; Effective Black Activism Model EBAM.

Ethnicity; cardiovascular psychophysiology; blood pressure; heart rate; stress; racism; hostility; gender; socioeconomic status; cardiovascular disease; STD prevention; hostility and stress reactivity; Relationships between racism and cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stress; health promotion. Health disparities; racial discrimination; mental health; social perception; social determinants of psychological health and health inequities; how race-related perceptions influence social decision-making for African Americans; political, health, and economic consequences of social inequities in the United States.

Recovery from serious mental illness; meaning-making after major life disruptions; promotion of social inclusion; community responses to homelessness; mutual support and self-help; collaboration with community-based resources e. Mental health; clinical psychology; children; adolescents; Prevention Science and Child Clinical Psychology; child and family; empirically based approaches to assessment and intervention; prevention of child maltreatment; conduct disorder; delinquency; early substance use; school failure; early family and school-based interventions; population-based parenting intervention; substance abuse treatment with parents in the child welfare system.

Developmental Psychology; Cognitive Neuroscience; Pediatric psychology; neuropsychology; sickle cell disease; Abnormal Psychology; child development; biopsychosocial factors in sickle cell disease; understanding cognitive development and promoting educational success; impact of sickle cell disease on child development. Interpersonal violence and aggression; interventions to prevent violence; college populations; women's use of violence and aggression in intimate relationships; women's studies; relationship violence; men and masculinity; women and their bodies in health and disease; social psychology; drugging.

Clinical-Community Psychology; assessing contextual effects and individual differences; problems with substance use, delinquency, obesity; methods and statistical issues. Sustainable energy conversion, sensing, switches, artificial biomimetic systems; inorganic chemistry, materials, or physical chemistry; manipulating air-sensitive compounds, powder diffraction analysis, single-crystal X-ray crystallography, thermogravimetric analysis, and spectroscopy UV-vis, IR, Fluorescence ; The Active Layer Morphology Control in Organic Photovoltaics; Light Harvesting and Controllable Energy Transfer in Well-Defined Self-Assemblies.

In utero cocaine exposure; addiction; NueroAIDS; drug abuse neurotoxicity; addictive processes; sensitization; cognitive processes and their dysfunction in disease and addiction; pediatric AIDS; HIV-1 cognitive impairments; potential neuroprotective agents.

Experimental psychology; Neuroscience; factors that influence the vulnerability for drug abuse; how prenatal nicotine exposure alters drug motivated behavior in offspring; if novel drugs have the ability to decrease drug taking behaviors; whether the sex of the animal influences various drug effects; maternal tobacco smoking. Psycholinguistics; neuroimaging of language; language impairments; processing of anaphoric expressions in discourse; language and memory performance in aging; human reasoning.

Cognitive Psychology; Experimental Psychology; Reading; perceptual and cognitive processes involved in adult skilled reading behavior; Language processing; Word recognition; Lexical access; perceptual processes; allocation of visual attention; fine motor control; sophisticated language and memory processes. Cognitive Psychology; Judgment and choice; Probability Judgment; Bias in spatial memory; Context Effects on Music Memory and Preference; Representations and Consequences of Affect; how context affects how we think about, feel, and interact with the world; Preference and the contextual basis of ideals in judgment and choice.

Developmental Psychology; development of sustained attention in young infants; development of extended fixations to television programs in the first two years; saccade planning; infants; psychophysiology of attention; attention and face processing in infants with neurodevelopmental disorders. Cognitive Neuroscience; neurophysiological processes; pain perception; deceptive behaviors; executive functions; memory; emotional processes; relationship of stress to brain activation during cognitive performance; fMRI correlates of acute- and chronic-stress due to Perceived Racism in African-Americans; EEG research examining the effects of extended incarceration on death row inmates; cognitive modeling of deceptive behavior combining evidence from HD-EEG and fMRI measures.

Business ethics; corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, and corporate philanthropy; business management. Child and adolescent personality assessment; children's positive psychological well-being; school psychologists' stress and well-being; school psychology and health promotion; student engagement in school; school climate.

Sociology of law, crime and social control, popular culture, and theory; global diffusion of terrorist anti-police violence; history and contemporary conditions of international police cooperation; theoretical issues in sociology.

Robust Parameter Design; Mixture Models; Statistical Consulting; Environmental Statistics; Bayesian calibration for deterministic flood hydraulics models; spatiotemporal modelling of wildland fires. Functional Data Analysis; Smoothing Methods; Cluster Analysis; Primary Environmental and Ecological applications; Computer-Intensive Statistical Methods; History of statistics; nonparametric and multivariate methods; identifying peptides and aligning spectra resulting from mass spectrometry data; development of Bayesian methods for registration, clustering, and curve fitting of functional data; estimating the size of a loggerhead turtle population; analyzing survey data about the diet and nutrition of schoolchildren.

Mathematical Statistics; Semi-Non-parametric Statistics; Survival analysis; Reliability theory; Applied probability; biomedical statistics. Categorical data; group testing; order-restricted inference; multiple comparisons; epidemiology; public health; probability; theory of statistical inference; forecasting and time series; linear statistical models. Measurement error; Latent variables; Model misspecification; Nonparametric statistics.

Management; coordination of new product development teams and product commercialization. Behavioral operations management, judgmental forecasting, human-computer interaction and machine learning. Empirical evaluation of operations improvement strategies; practical application of operations improvement techniques; application of operations strategy and supply chain management principles to OM academics; high-value consulting for enhancing returns from Lean Six Sigma campaigns.

Self evaluation, feedback, procedural justice, organizational justice, work value, Trust; Prosocial values; Organizational justice as explanatory frameworks for understanding interpersonal and intragroup cooperation; Supervisor-subordinate relationships; Investor-entrepreneur relations; Work teams; Joint ventures; small group and interpersonal dynamics; performance appraisal; workplace fairness; industrial organizational psychology.

International management, macro-organizational behavior and organization theory, institutional and cultural embeddedness of multinational corporations, cross-border transfer of management practices within MNCs, knowledge management, organizational legitimacy and social capital as a source of competitive advantage in MNCs, impact of different forms of ownership on firm strategy and management.

International finance; Chinese business; International business education; national culture and finance and financial management of multinational corporations; China, Pacific Rim; Asian studies. Understanding the processes underlying the increased long-term heart disease risk in women who have had certain complications in pregnancy, such as preterm birth, high blood pressure in pregnancy, or preeclampsia.

Reading assessment and intervention; social-emotional assessment; behavioral interventions; culturally and linguistically diverse students; parent involvement. Corporate finance, the economics of insurance, corporate pension plans, and corporate risk management. Information systems in patient-centric healthcare delivery systems, knowledge management and organizational learning issues, the role of analytics in influencing organizational competitiveness.

Foreign investment in Africa; business conditions in Africa; international taxation; Competitive strategies in developing countries; micro-finance; foreign investment in Africa. Institutional and sociocultural approaches to understanding organization practices and routines within multinational enterprises; cultural frameworks.

Vascular biology and biomechanics of atherosclerosis, with an emphasis on intraplaque angiogenesis new blood vessel growth and mechanical failure plaque rupture ; methods to reduce the incidence of plaque rupture; intraplaque angiogenesis, or new blood vessel growth, as a destabilizing factor in plaque progression; relationships between mechanical loading environment, matrix organization, and mechano-sensitive gene expression; micromechanics of arterial tissue failure in plaque rupture and arterial dissection; methods to identify patients at elevated risk of acute cardiovascular syndromes where material failure plays a major role.

Intersection of business and society in a global economy; privatization policies and outcomes in post-communist countries; national context and identity on managers' ethical evaluations and behaviors; processes that lead to the spread of corrupt business practices across regions and companies; roles of institutional context in shaping business models designed to combat poverty around the world.

Homeostasis and damage repair; stem cell supported tissues; obesity; nutritional sensing; Drosophila melanogaster; nutrient sensing pathways; Stem Cell and Development; Cellular Stress.

Shakespeare and the English Renaissance; English; Italian studies; study abroad experience; Greek immigration and assimilation in Spartanburg, S.

Process modeling, control, and optimization; parallel programming efforts for mixed-integer optimization, including parallel nonconvex nonseparable mixed-integer outer approximation and parallel nonconvex branch-and-reduce methods; particulate processing, bio-processes, and large scale systems.

Tissue engineering, biomaterials and drug delivery; nanotechnology; bio-inspired nanocomposites; biologically inspired nanocomposites for bone regeneration; targeted tumor delivery with peptidomimetic self-assembled nanoparticles; stem cells morphogenesis on biomimetic substrates; fabrication of bioresorbable scaffolds with well-defined pore geometry by rapid-prototyping. Principles of thermodynamics, transport phenomena, and kinetics with a view toward more green and sustainable methods of chemical and material manufacturing; development of novel technology for sterilization and disinfection of synthetic and natural biomaterials; abatement of indoor allergenic proteins and other respiratory hazards; utilization of chemical hydrides as a hydrogen storage medium, with application in PEM fuel cells; the role of deliquescence in the reaction between water vapor and sodium borohydride; applications of supercritical carbon dioxide for biomedical applications.

Human resources management, school finance, leadership and school improvement, educational reform. Scoring of performance assessments; Classroom assessment, Survey design, Scoring of performance assessments, Implementation of collaborative evaluations; collaborative program evaluation. IEP development; legal issues in special education; classroom management; progress monitoring; evidence-based practices in special education.

Understanding the educational experiences of marginalized people, and her work often examines educational phenomena through a performance theory lens. Raman Spectroscopy of Mixed Solvent Systems, Solvatachromism of dyes using electronic absorption spectroscopy, chemical education.

Humanizing, decolonizing, and culturally relevant equity pedagogies in preservice teacher education and early childhood literacy education. Curriculum studies revolving around women's studies, Historiography, Cultural studies, Integrated curriculum, gender theory, critical multicultural education; diversity; equity;.

Interweave literacy into the secondary English curriculum and across the disciplines; attention on marginalized and at-risk youth including those incarcerated and those on the autism spectrum. Elementary Science Education; Instruction and Teacher Education; science education methods; teacher professional development; scientist and engineer collaborations with K schools; nature-based inquiry. Walker Institute; water and wastewater treatment, particularly appropriate technology applications for developing communities; optimization studies for potable water production using low-cost portable water treatment units; water treatment for heavy metals removal and corrosion control, industrial waste minimization, constructed wetland applications for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment and education reform in civil and environmental engineering.

Digital humanities; Electronic voting systems; Nonnumeric computations; Computational number theory; Parallel computing; Information retrieval. Neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative disorders; neuronal connections; neuroscience; signaling factors in axon pathfinding and developmental degeneration; intracellular mechanisms of axon pathfinding and degeneration; modeling neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.

Algorithms for information retrieval, Efficient file organizations, Search interfaces and user interactions, problems in database security. Multiagent systems, Service-oriented computing, Enterprise integration, Ontology-based distributed information systems, computer vision, omputational social systems.

Bioinformatics; pattern recognition; biological databases; distributed artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems; data fusion; knowledge discovery in databases; computational chemistry. Algorithm development and high performance computing, with emphasis on phylogenetic analysis from genome rearrangement and sequence data; medical image processing; computer game development; computational biology and bioinformatics, algorithm development and high performance computing.

Applied and Computational Mathematics; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Rheology of Complex Fluids; Continuum Mechanics; Kinetic Theory; Multiscale Modeling; computation of soft matter; complex fluids of anisotropic Microstructures; Multiscale modeling; computation of biofluids and biomaterials; Parallel and high performance computing; Wave propagation in anisotropic media; electron transport in heterogeneous media; CPU-GPU hybrid computing; Polymer blends; multiphase complex fluids and flows.

Active materials; Smart structures; Structural health monitoring; Mechatronics; multi-physics applied mechanics; aerospace composites; Active Biomedical Sensors, and Integrated Thin-Film Active Sensors.

Modeling of manufacturing processes; temperature distribution during machining; heat transfer and fluid flow with phase change; computational and experimental fluid dynamics; heat transfer processes; Thermodynamic analysis of IC Engines; CFD analysis of combustion processes; Nuclear Engineering; Heat transfer; Fluid dynamics.

Engineering education; composites and reinforced plastics; design and manufacturing of renewable materials. Computer vision; digital image correlation; microprocessors; experimental mechanics; reverse engineering.

Friction stir welding; fatigue and fracture; experimental micro-mechanics; quantitative fractographic analysis. Engineering design; mechanisms and robotics; Advanced Actuators Group; machine design and machine component design; PEM fuel cell system;. Coherent and incoherent optics applications; experimental mechanics; digital image processing; Computer Vision; applications of integral methods and experimental mechanics; boundary valve problems; plastic fracture mechanics; finite elements modeling of cracked bodies.

Mathematical sciences; information retrieval and natural language processing; how to build systems that can deal with human language; storing, processing, and retrieving multi-lingual data; ways to apply information technology IT to enhance, facilitate, and enrich information processing, management, and transfer; dynamic bilingual or multilingual information retrieval IR systems that learn from user interactions and adapt its strategies to accommodate the information needs of individual users.

Content-management systems; Responsive design and development; graphic design; web design. Cross-channel shopping behavior; e-commerce; student matriculation; online learning. Americans with Disabilities Act ADA compliance in sport and entertainment venues; Intellectual property protection in sport; Ambush marketing and sponsorship protection at mega sport events.

First Amendment legal history; media coverage of lynchings; representation of African Americans in the media including news, advertising and entertainment programming; collective memory and framing; cultivation analysis.

Broadcast journalism; digital media and how news organizations must change to compete in a new media world. Advertising and feminism; exploring creativity, the creative process, and creative work in advertising; the evolution of advertising platforms; relationships between gender and creative leadership. Etiology of congenital heart defects; role that cardiac laterality genes play in overall vertebrate heart morphogenesis; morphogenetic and molecular mechanisms that direct generation of cardiac left-right asymmetry; how the vertebrate embryonic body plan becomes established and how positional information controls organ development and disease susceptibility; role of left-right patterning in mammary gland development and breast cancer; epigenetic regulation of mammary stem cells and how this relates to left-right differences that arise during mammary development and mammary oncogenesis.

Growth factors in heart development; mechanical load; disease processes; myofibrils in cardiac myocytes; confocal and electron microscopy. Congenital cardiac malformations; atrioventricular canal; therapeutic measures; signaling pathways; cardiac valve formation; cardiovascular development; abnormal development of the heart; to develop biocompatible tissues and treatments for numerous diseases and pathologies; use of mesenchymal stem cells; to use the principles of developmental biology and marriage it to regenerative medicine.

Amygdala; fear; anxiety; post-traumatic stress disorder; temporal lobe epilepsy; Alzheimers; electrophysiological characteristics of amygdalar neurons; anatomy and neurochemistry of amygdalar neurons and their innervation by monoaminergic e.

Music; Concert Band; music advocacy; music entrepreneurship; community engagement in music; composition; music advocacy; music entrepreneurship; community engagement in music; administration.

Voice; Piano Collaboration; Opera; song literature; advanced diction; chamber music;. Saxophone Alliance president; education. Jazz Combos; Big Bands; Jazz Studies; jazz piano performance; improvisation; jazz strings; jazz theory;. Oboe; 20th-century music for oboe; soloist performance; chamber musician performance; orchestral performance.

Voice; Soprano performance; applied voice; vocal pedagogy; Opera; soloist; teaching. Choral Studies; chorus; music teaching; choral director author; church music director;.

Chronic inflammation and cancer; ability of complementary and alternative medicines to reduce inflammation; ginkgo biloba; American ginseng; role of juice extracts to reduce systemic inflammation and improve overall health.

Such ligand will produce more potent and safer analgesia than the traditional analgesics. Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention; Neuroimaging of Language; Neuroimaging of Spatial Attention; Stroke Impairment and Recovery; brain injury; neurological disorders; speech and perception.

Pollution and meiofauna; Meiofaunal colonization of azoic estuarine sediment; Acute toxicity of five sediment-associated metals; High-density culture of meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods; Ecotoxicology and population genetics. Environmental Nanoscience and Risk Nanomaterials in the environment: behavior, fate, bioavailability, and effects, The ecotoxicology and chemistry of manufactured nanoparticles, Manufactured nanoparticles: an overview of their chemistry, interactions and potential environmental implications.

Categorical data analysis; Survey data analysis; Community interventions; Epidemiologic methods; Physical activity and public health; Psychiatric epidemiology; Maternal and child health. Epidemiology and prevention of diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents, cardiovascular disease in adults; methods and applications of nutritional epidemiology with a focus on individual nutritional risk factors, dietary patterns, spatial food access and food security.

Soil; soil metals; pregnancy; children; intellectual disability; Medicaid population in South Carolina; birth defects; weight and obesity; disabilities.

Sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, discourse analysis, race, gender, parody, style, new media, language ideologies, Asian Americans. Development of quantitative assessment tools for gaze-motor control, eye-hand coordination, and visual cognition; Enhancing neurorehabilitation with transcranial direct current stimulation; tDCS; Robotic assessment of sensorimotor development in children and adolescents; Robotic assessment of sensory, motor, and cognitive impairments in patients with stroke; Statistical mapping of brain regions underlying neurological impairments in patients with stroke; Quantitative assessment of concussion recovery using robotic technology.

Please submit the following form, cms. Economic anthropology; gender and globalization; women and development; feminist epistemology; methodology.

Constitutional issues in property law; federal environmental law; coastal conservation law; Property; ocean and coastal law; natural resources law; Earth, Ocean and Environment. Constitutional Law; Constitutional Issues in Public Education; Religion and the Constitution; Women and the Law; constitutional rights of children and children's experience of citizenship in American public schools; poverty.

International; Russia; Europe; Africa; International Litigation; Civil Procedure; international boundary disputes; maritime piracy; domestic civil procedure; litigation matters involving foreign parties involved in cases in U.

Physical activity and physical fitness in children; health implications of physical activity; childhood obesity; Physical Activity and Fitness in Youth; Public Health Implications of Physical Activity; Physiology of Endurance Performance.

Civil Rights Movement, presidential politics, recent U. Teaching math in elementary school, classroom assessment, classroom management in middle and high school, STEM Education, Interdisciplinary Teaching, Assessment. Quasirandom permutations; history of contributions to mathematics by Jews in modern Europe; explicating the role of European Jewry in shaping the world scientific community; Jewish Studies; Quasirandomness; Spectral Hypergraph Theory; discrete geometry; universal cycles; Combinatorial Number Theory; coding theory; extremal graphs; permutations.

Factors associated with physical activity in women, older adults, and African Americans; Community-based interventions to increase physical activity and healthy eating in women, older adults, and African Americans; Translational research; Women's health, particularly coronary heart disease. Groundwater hydrology; computer modeling; applied optimization; aquifer analysis; contamination potential mapping.

Twentieth-century American literature; Modernism and the avant-garde; Contemporary Poetry; Gender studies and queer theory. Generalized Linear Models; Generalized Estimating Equations; Survival Models; Computational Statistics; Correlated Data Analysis; Application of correlated data models to data from children nutrition and health outcomes cancer, HIV, and orthopaedics ; diet, nutrition, cognitive psychology, HIV, sexual behavior, cancer, and health services.

Colorectal cancer screening and outcomes; Physician leadership; leadership in health care and clinical performance improvement; Global health services research: healthcare costs, utilization, provider behavior, and clinical outcomes in relation to provider volume; reimbursement methods and institutional characteristics; Health disparities; Effect of public policy and the law on uninsurance; Public health preparedness for disasters; food defense preparedness; Cesarean vs.

Applying quality tools and techniques to solve real industrial problems; management; operations management; statistics, business strategy. Irish-American and Irish Literature, particularly 19th-century Irish Women Writers, landscape theory in literary narratives, how American landscapes inform both Ethnic and Anglo-American literary identities; intersection of literature and film; Border Theory; identity borders, both literary and metaphoric.

Entrepreneurship, Finance and Accounting; management; valuations; emerging business and social enterprises; change and efficiencies in higher education; student debt; costs and efficiencies in higher education and intercollegiate athletics.

American Indian literatures and cultures; the writing of N. Scott Momaday; teaching composition; young adult literature; teacher effectiveness assessment; textbook critique; middle-level education; curriculum theory. School governance reform; practices to promote inclusive schooling; issue concerning child welfare and reading sponsorship in rural communities; special education.

Nursing; Educational Technology; instructional design, Wood Shop Greenville Sc learning environments redesign, critical digital pedagogy, academic technology innovation, online and active learning, and universal design and accessibility.

Social and industrial psychology; stigma and social perception, how millennials react to marketing strategies, the effects of online learning on student success, and fan studies involving the Brony Fandom. Risk and resiliency factors in adolescents and families; methods to foster healthy family relationships; positive adolescent development; Child abuse prevention.

Experimental Psychology; specifically perception, cognition and neuropsychology; attention and sensory and cognitive aspects of human behavior. Rape myth, deviant drinking, religious fundamentalism, capital punishment, monopoly board game, teaching strategies, victimization in schools, gender role ideology.

Geography; Ethnic Asians and their integration into the US, Asian business markets, geography of countries in Asia, race and immigration in America.

Experimental learning, credit cards, taxes, institutional values, gender issues, service-learning, American identity. Accounting, international business, managerial accounting, activity-based costing, decision-making, international education. Economics; public finance, urban and regional economic development, state tax revenue competition, portfolio approach to state taxation.

Family life education, social studies and creative arts in early childhood, math and science in early childhood, diversity of elementary education; minorities in education; Academic Achievement of African American Students; African American Children's Literature; Accreditation of early education programs. Individuals with exceptionalities, individuals with mental retardation, methods and materials for teaching individuals with mental retardation, behavior intervention and management, methods and procedures for teaching individuals with emotional disabilities, technology for diverse learners and diverse populations.

Comparison of face-to-face and hybrid delivery of a course that requires technology skills development, design and implementation of planetarium shelving for use in conjunction with a camera obscura, computer technology for elementary and middle schools, the effect of graded homework on student achievement in college general chemistry; Educational Technology; Science Education; Middle Level Education;Professional Learning; Online Education; E-Learning.

Lifespan growth and development, teaching language arts in elementary school, critical issues in American education, home-school connection, recess and play in early childhood education.

Mountain building processes, physical geology, historical geology, structural geology, and Southern Appalachian geology. Population and community ecology, invasive species ecology, and habitat restoration; population biology of invasive grasses, including competitive ability and germination traits.

First World War literature; 19th and 20th century British novels; graphic novels; popular culture; film especially film noir, war movies, and horror films ; history of racial caricatures in American comic books.

Mathematical sciences; classification problem of root systems associated with Lie algebras; graph theory; basis number of graphs, friendship theory, and related topics. Mathematics, applied mathematics, numerical methods for Partial Differential Equations, Galerkin Finite Element Methods for immiscible two-phase flows in porous media.

Pure mathematics, mathematics; analysis; conjugate function, inequalities; probability; decision theory; general mathematics. Graph theory, computer science, mathematical sciences; Hamiltonian graph theory; spectral graph theory; designing algorithms on the variants of the longest common subsequence problem in computer science.

Mathematical sciences; algebra, Lie algebras; algebraic monoids and groups, reductive monoids, classical monoids, Putcha lattices, Renner monoids, and properties of modules over Kac-Moody algebras. Statistics, computer networking and Web programming, computer applications, mathematical sciences, inverse scattering problem and dynamic systems, characteristic features of a new type of integrable system that is derived from inverse problem, robust algorithm for finding roots of transcendental equations, Chebyshev interpolation, Newton map.

Lifespan development; child, adolescent and adult development; developmental disabilities; development of cognition and academic skills, and on teen pregnancy and teen parenting. Clinical psychology; addictive behaviors; anxiety disorders, Conditioning models of addiction, Use of substances to cope. Composition, business, commercial law, private and governmental organizations relating to admiralty and maritime.

Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Set-theoretic Topology topological spaces by using the techniques of set theory. Hospitality management, tourism, southeast travel; Destination Marketing and Operations Management; nutrition and food science. The ecology and evolution of marine invertebrates, specifically in understanding how larval development and dispersal impact these populations over time. British literature; nature writing; 19th-century British nature journals study; Gerard Manley Hopkins; George Eliot; Alexander Pope; Anna Barbauld; composition and literature; fiction, drama; business writing and communication; Victorian literature.

Visual perception and memory; perception and memory for spatial layout; developmental psychology; cognitive psychology; social psychology; sensation and perception; human factors and performance;. American literary characters; post-war literature; Joseph Heller; Scott F. Fitzgerald; nineteenth-century American literature; twentieth-century American and British drama; Nobel Prize laureates in literature; literary biography writing.

Strategic management, psychological and compensation factors that motivate executive decision-making, social evaluations made by stakeholders; managerial decision-making;. Professional communication; Management; business consulting; government consulting; grant writing; RFP bids; writing and editing college-level textbooks;. Twentieth Century and Contemporary American literature; African-American literature, non-Western literatures and films, especially from Africa and the Caribbean, and the Graphic Novel; transnationalism in American literature throughout the Small Woodworking Shop Ideas In China twentieth century to contemporary writers;.

Urban and public history, religious history, history of philanthropy, American urban life, Ferguson, SC. Sociology of religion; the family; gender roles; elementary education of children with learning difference; non-traditional adult education. Crystallography; General structural chemistry; Chemical synthesis, structures and properties of metal oxides; electron, x-ray and neutron diffraction techniques and instrumentation i.

Economics, business finance, capital budgeting financial markets, money and banking, corporate finance, agency theory, corporate , and finance education. American literature;; Transatlantic Modernism; 20th Century U.

Classroom pedagogy and the rhetoric of technical communication in digital environments; linguistics; communications; english. Race and gender differences in the workplace, determinants of protest participation, social problems with service learning, roles race, ethnicity, and gender play in life in America.

Interpersonal Communication; Research Methods in Communication; Intercultural Communication; empathy and equity; organizational justice. Evolutionary ecology; Adaptive and non-adaptive evolutionary processes; Biodiversity; Quantitative genetics; Genomics; Functional genetics; Physiology; Ecological diversification; GBenotype-environment interactions; Phenotypic plasticity; Daphnia; Experimental ecology; Cryptophyte phytoplankton; Life history evolution; Trade-offs in resource allocation; Vision, eyes; Photosynthesis.

Statistics education, educational research and measurement, and a growing interest in data visualization. Visions of terrestrial paradise in Hebrew literature of the Renaissance; rural medicine and Jewish physicians in sixteenth-century Italy; madness and melancholy amongst Jews and Catholics in Italy; bathing, bathhouses, and religious law in early modern Europe, relationship between Jews, their texts, and the natural world; Jewish history; Renaissance Italy; history of medicine; environmental history.

Among-scale interactions of population and community processes in aquatic systems, determinants of parasite community structure in aquatic vertebrates, and transmission dynamics of parasites in lotic ecosystems, parasitology, aquatic biology, ecology, biology; fishing. Multi-cultural childrens' language and literacy; Afterchool program for Latino children and their parents to help with literacy and math; Biliteracy, bilingualism; Literacy learning in K-2 classrooms; Preservice and inservice teacher education; working with latino families; overseas learning experiences for USC undergrads; Transnational Patterns and their Impact on Communities; Diversity and Cultural Parallelism: Caribbean Immigrants; Health Status; Immigrant Communities.

Tourism Policy and Development through Sustainable Tourism; Tourism Impact Studies; Tourism issues in developing countries; Sustainable tourism; International tourism and marketing research; Destination Marketing and Management; Methods of market segmentation and appropriate strategy formulation; Accountability research; Advertising effectiveness and conversion studies; Decision-making; factors affecting destination choices; tourist motivation; images; attitudes.

Diversity and equity in education, classroom instruction, teacher preparation, and curriculum designed to meet diverse student needs. Sport nutrition, eating disorders, body image, female athlete triad, in female and males athletes as well as the military; prevention programs and screening methods for mental health disorders and the female athletes triad for collegiate dancers, athletes, and military personnel.

Autism diagnosis, psychological assessment, prevention and intervention for at-risk youth and positive psychology. Advanced nuclear fuels and materials; Nuclear safeguards; Nuclear fuel cycle; Alternative uses of nuclear power, hydrogen; Space nuclear power and propulsion. Understanding how fibroblast behavior and gene expression are regulated in the heart; Cell culture and animal models being used to examine the regulation of fibroblasts in cardiovascular disease; endothelial cells; changes in density and organization of the extracellular matrix; cardiovascular performance; heart disease; hypertension; myocardial infarction; how chronic exposure to alcohol as seen during alcohol abuse results in myocardial fibrosis.

Near surface seismic reflection, and refraction application to groundwater resources and contaminate studies. Sport finance; Revenue development; Intercollegiate athletics; Facility management; Management practices of sport organizations. Piano; Piano Pedagogy; educational piano music; teaching students with disabilities; teaching very young children; keyboard improvisation to beginners through advanced.

Piano; keyboard; chamber music; international performing; duo and individual piano performances; jury member for national and international competitions.

Voice; Bass-baritone; opera; live televised performer; recorded artist; international singing competitions. Natural product biosynthesis; non-ribosomal peptides; bioinorganic and biophysical chemistry; oxygen activation; biofuels; chemical biology of enzymes involved in pharmaceutical biosynthesis and bioenergy production.

Cochlear Implants with Adults and Pediatrics; pediatric population; patients and parents; hearing impairment; rehabilitative strategies. Microbiology, Metagenomics, Metatranscriptomics, Antibiotic Resistance, Biofilms, Nanotechnology, Genomics, Molecular Microbial Ecology; how bacteria communicate and coordinate gene expression; potential of using novel nanotechnology-based therapeutics as an alternative to traditional antibiotic treatment of infectious bacterial infections; rapidly expanding urban landscape is affecting the structure and function of microbial communities found throughout South Carolina watersheds; metagenomes of marine stromatolites and hypersaline microbial mats; state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technologies to explore the metagenomes.

Environmental toxicology; marine ecotoxicology; marine microbiology related seafood safety; endocrine disruption in invertebrates; the effects of urban and agricultural nonpoint source runoff on estuarine ecosystem health; both the lethal and sublethal effects of chemical contaminants; methods to discern impacts from ecosystem process changes versus chemical contaminant effects; linking land use activities with environmental water quality indicators.

Occupational, environmental, and molecular epidemiology; shift work, circadian rhythm disruption and cancer; stress, inflammation and racial health disparities; epidemiology of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.

Random effects selection; nonparametric modeling; multivariate analysis and mixture models; computational statistics; human reproduction; child health and toxicology; Semiparametric modeling; longitudinal analysis and latent variable modeling; Survival analysis and spatial modeling; Computational statistics, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and sampling methods; Applications: child health and environmental health.

Epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory-based investigations to examine the role of nutrition in cancer prevention and control; To reduce or eliminate health disparities related to some of the more common cancers, such as breast, prostate and colorectal cancers, with a particular focus on how diet interacts with the genome and microbiome to affect cancer risk. Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes; Low Back Pain; Diagnostic accuracy of lumbar magnetic resonance imaging; Assessments of outcomes for people with orthopedic problems; Patients satisfaction with care; Questionnaire development; Lumbar magnetic resonance imaging of the intervertebral disc; The effect of manual therapy on diffusion of water within the lumbar intervertebral disc; Clinical outcomes assessment;.

Rehabilitation following chronic neurological insult; Stroke and spinal cord injury; intensive physical therapy following chronic Wood Shop Greenville Sc Journal stroke and traumatic brain injury; Exercise for those with chronic disabilities; Walking speed as a vital sign of function.

Learn how to improve the growth, development, feeding, care, and survival of infants and young children. He leads research on the measurement, determinants, and consequences of household and child food insecurity, most recently conducting research with colleagues and students giving voice to the experiences of food insecurity by children.

Gerontology; Quality of Life; Self-management of chronic illness, health, and wellness; Faith and health issues. Contemporary Rhetorical Theory, Critical Theory, Philosophy of Rhetoric, Transitional Politics and Reconciliation, South African Political History, Human Rights, Connections between rhetorical theory, critical theory, and the possibilities of ethical-political life; how deeply divided societies grapple with legacies of violence from authoritarian politics and protracted historical conflict, South Africa; violence and the ethic of recognition; reconciliation in South Africa; contemporary discourses of sexuality.

Aging; Health Disparities; Long-Term Care; family support; caregiving; institutional services for older adults; client-worker relationship; workforce participation among older adults; discrimination against older workers. Violence and victimization; sexual exploitation; delinquency; victimization of incarcerated women; collaborative response to crime victims in urban areas; evaluation of victim services; gender-responsive programming; victimization and perpetration of violence.

Impact of industrial networks on the creation of economic governance institutions in post-communist countries; South America; Comparative and statistical survey methods to examine the socio-political conditions under which societies build new innovative capacities to achieve sustained upgrading in their industries. Media Arts; photographic journey along historic US1 from its terminus at the Canadian border to its lower terminus in Key West, Florida, of infrared imagery in fine art photography; First village for freed slaves in South Carolina; Vietnam War.

There are many types of loans available, such as home loans, car loans, and student loans for higher education expenses. Loans are divided into two categories: secured and unsecured.

With secured loans, your property and things you own are used as collateral. If you cannot pay back the loan, the lender will take your collateral to get their money back. Common secured loans include mortgages, home equity loans, and installment loans. A mortgage represents a loan to buy a home. Fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages are the two main types of mortgages, but there is a wide variety of mortgage products available.

Sources for mortgage loans include mortgage banks, mortgage brokers, banks, thrift and credit unions, home builders, real estate agencies, and Internet lenders.

When shopping for a home mortgage, you should consider contacting several lenders or brokers to compare offers. If you miss your mortgage payments, foreclosure may occur. This provides the legal means for your lender to repossess your home. Foreclosures have a negative impact on your credit history. Beware of predatory loans : abusive and deceptive mortgage lending practices that strip borrowers of home equity and threaten families with foreclosure.

It's typically used to pay for major expenses education, medical bills, and home repairs. However, if you cannot pay back the loan, the lender could foreclose on your home. With an installment loan, a borrower repays the loan over time with a set number of scheduled payments. Home and car loans represent the most common installment loans. Before you sign an agreement for a loan to buy a house, a car, or other large purchase, make sure you fully understand all of the lender's terms and conditions, including:.

The Truth in Lending Act requires lenders to provide you this information so you can compare different offers. Unsecured loans do not use property as collateral. Lenders consider these as more risky than secured loans, so they charge a higher rate of interest for them. Two common unsecured loans are credit cards and student loans.

Credit cards allow you to pay for products and services now, but you need to repay the balance before the end of your billing cycle to avoid paying interest for your purchase. A credit card company sets a credit limit on how much you can charge on your card when it issues the card to you.

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