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I have an Android app that need to connect to a Usb device. I have used intent filter to get permission to the device, however, every time when I connect phone with the usb device, Android would automatically prompt a selection for default apps that to open with the usb device. So my question is, how can I disable the prompt for the device? No matter the app is open or not, the prompt always show up when device attached which is really annoying to me.

Thanks for any help! Remove all other activities's USB Attach intent filter, and add requestPermission manually in these activities. Because the blank activity would remember the USB permission for the whole app, so once any these usb open hardware filter grant the USB permission by user, then the whole app is granted.

Because now only the blank activity has the USB attach intent filter registered, so this blank activity Openwrt Hardware Usb would be launched by default when USB device plugin. In the blank activity onCreatecall onBackPressed so usb open hardware filter once the blank activity is launched, it oopen usb open hardware filter go back, and because this is really fast, so the user shouldn't realize any change.

Therefore, when the app is fliter, plugin the usb device would just like nothing has happened to user. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Android disable default app selection prompt when connect to a usb device Ask Question.

Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Active 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Terence Terence 2 2 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. I just found there is a way to "hack" the prompt. Because now only the blank activity has the USB attach intent filter registered, so this blank activity would be launched by default when USB device plugin In the blank activity onCreatecall onBackPressed so that once the blank activity is launched, it would automatically go back, and because this is really fast, so the user shouldn't realize any change.

Any better solution, 4 years on? Mar 19 '20 at Unfortunately hardwsre, I didn't work on the project since usb open hardware filter years ago. Actually there is a flawless and simple solution for this issue.

See my answer here: stackoverflow. Mar 23 '20 at Thank you! Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, usb open hardware filter never shown.

Usb open hardware filter Overflow Blog. If it does, call Usb Open Hardware Jackpot the developers. Podcast Getting Dev and Ops to actually work together. Usb Usb Open Hardware Jack open hardware filter on Meta. Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. Linked Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

May 18,  · With the latest feature update to Windows 10 version inserted USB drives do not open directly into File Explorer. I must manually double click on the drive to open it. I have checked the autoplay options under devices and it is set to "open folder to view files (file explorer)". Right clicking on the drive in file explorer shows an option.

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