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How do I switch the frequency on my smart hub router so my devices run on the 5Ghz and not the Ghz frequency. I am using a wired connection with TP-Link powerlink modules. >> Mobile Broadband (3G, 4G, 5G etc) Register (or login) on our website and you will not see this ad. Print Thread: time2die (eat-sleep-adslguide) Thu Feb Question? [link to this post] A long long time ago i has a EE 4g Router as the Fibre where i live is as much use as a Ashtray on a Motorbike. Pathway to 5G. Because 5G is a collection of enhanced technologies, new spectrum, and advanced infrastructure, it’s a pathway. Explore the steps along the Pathway to 5G, and how your organization can stay ahead of the curve. Gigabit-Class LTE ; 5G Technologies.

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