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The 30 Best Hip-Hop Albums of the s - Paste

Scarface is Back. This list centered way to much on popularity!!! Without going into great detail ill just state the obvious. Having Em and Jay z at 24,26 notifies the whole list. Listen i think Kendrick is fantastic…. But absolutely cannot put any of his albums like 10 spots ahead of Em or Jay z!!!! Outside of that best rap albums last 3 years zero realy xero list. This is one hell of a list, I best rap albums last 3 years zero it, and while I would put up a few others, I think this best rap albums last 3 years zero a good starting point for anyone trying to get into hip hop in general.

This list sucks ass. You have no Kanye, who is known as having one of the best if not the best discography in hip hop. No kendrick either? No Madvillainy? But, of course, music is subjective. Also, despite the potentially misleading title, Dr.

Add that shit up D. But that is exactly what Kanye is to this generation. Graduation was the change from gangster rap to other sounds. Without Kanye none of the non gang rappers would be relevant right now. Spitting facts bro!! Aswell, no K. I also disagree that Its Dark Best Rap Albums Last 3 Years Round and Hell is Hot is only an honorable mention. Run The Jewels 2 should also be best rap albums last 3 years zero either really late on the list or as an honorable mention imo.

He is known ,ast a lot of things but having a great discography is not one of them. Should have been in the top 5, maybe 1 on the list. Slick Rick is the most favored rapper of all those on your list and I guarantee they would agree Slick Rick should have been on the 1 spot.

I have to agree with you. They have dope joints but that southernplayer Cadillac joint. Besst know, the notorious dumb ass that also happens to be the head of the Wu-Tang Clan? No Endtroducing…? The Eminem Show tops it. The Eminem Show better be on the list too. Albu,s how is a Redman album not on here??

Thee Album and Muddy Waters are better than a lot on this list. Predator not even in honorable mention? No Ghostface. Whoever came up with this lisr sucks. Has Doggystyle at nr. And how is Resonable doubt better than the Blueprint.

And how is dap Marshall Mathers lp so low on the list. Outkast taught people like Lil Wayne the laid back lazy style of lady crooning which people like Kanye picked up. Kanye is brilliant and has incredible production and song writing throughout his discog and I do agree that some of his zeri should have been on this list. Damn everyone leaving reviews needs to calm down. Music is a very subjective thing and things influence different people in different ways.

No Vanilla Ice? This list is albbums. And no Doom either? Only two albums I can think of that should have made this list are Be Common and Madvillainy Madvillain. Are you kidding me?! This list sucks. Love the 90s hiphop I think this is the best collection but one album is mising A swedish hiphop band Goldmine-Cartwheels and Handsprings. Great list!! These albums are absolute classic!!

Marshall mathers lp best rap albums last 3 years zero also top 5, and good kid maad city is top 15 if not top Tf is this. Also college dropout and late registration both deserve a spot somewhere in this list.

Way too focused on 90s rap. Great list, I would add : DMX —. And then there was X T. Biggie — Ready To Die… Number best rap albums last 3 years zero This isnt serious 2pac — Me Against The World is much better, and i aint saying its the best… but come on, lets be serious. But the 2 biggie albums arent even top Funny, everybody asks why their favorite is not in the list besh so on.

Videos were not so important, which results in focus more on the song itself and to be true, in todays videos you see the same women shaking their same asses around some pool all the time, which is also boring to watch in the long run.

Next thing is, that you also tended to believe that the people really experienced what they were saying in their songs back in the time. Today, i listen to that stuff and think, what a bullshit, maybe 14 or 15 year olds still believe that sh. There might be a few exceptions, but on average it went downhill with music like HipHop and Rap. And now all the new appearing Pop songs sound kind of the same. Unfortunately, this formula, in the vast majority of cases, takes away the individual soul of a song, which makes everything sound almost the same typical mainstream and which I find really terrible in music.

Where is best rap albums last 3 years zero individuality gone in alot of music genres? And the worst thing is, that many young people, that started listening to music in the last 10 years for example, think that this is cool music. But almost every beat has been there before and is just some best rap albums last 3 years zero modified sample of some song from the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s.

But understand me correctly. Of course i know, that our parents might have said something similar about our music back then, compared to their own. And THAT was never there before, you can see how sales-tactics of producers and record-companies destroy the soul of the music, because only marketing is in the foreground and everything else takes a back seat to such an extent that it almost hurts. Today this had changed completely. But do all songs have to follow this shi.

March 24, Previous The Greatest Modern Directors. Love The Infamous album, very underrated, nice to see it on this list. The Editor need to update this list…at least Source 100 Best Rap Albums Uk go back an listen to this album. Okay iam finished. Wow, so much text. Bes reads beat completely, gets a prize. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. Copyright Definitive Dose.

Dec 10,  · Here are the best albums of the strangest year in recent times I f the Oscar nominee has demonstrated anything in the last 20 years, it’s it’s likely the only rap album that. Oct 08,  · The Best Albums of the s. News; The German producer uses the last 20 years of electronic music as a massive sandbox from which . The 50 best albums of the last decade. Pt 2 and Pt 3. But, nearly 10 years on, it is rightly one of the most influential pop albums of the 21st century. This all collided with a resurgent.

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