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British Broadcasting Corporation Home. Wood is potentially one of the most environmentally friendly materials we can use in the garden: it's a natural material that can be sustainably grown, it takes less energy than other hard materials to turn into products such as planks, panels and furniture, and it absorbs harmful carbon dioxide as it grows. But there are issues around the huge demand for it.

The shortage of fence panels early inwhen many householders needed to replace ones felled by gardden storms, was put down to European producers exporting more ma,e China and Dubai frlm and in parts of the world trees are being felled in a way that damages the forests, the people who live in them, and the wider environment. Hardwood garden furniture and decking poses a particular problem if it's from West Africa because it was probably felled in a forest in the Congo Basin, home to more than Things To Make Out Of Scrap Wood For The Garden half of Africa's if species.

According to conservation groups such as Greenpeace, illegal logging is rampant in the region and corruption is widespread. This means that tranches of natural forest are being destroyed. It also means that local communities are losing many of their natural resources, such as food, fuel and medicines, and aren't being compensated.

Greenpeace has reported how villagers in western Democratic Republic of Congo were encouraged to sign access contracts with an international logging company, and in return received bags of salt, sugar, beer and soap.

Not a penny of the area taxes raised in the previous three years, agreed with the World Bank and earmarked for local communities to help with such amenities as hospitals and schools, has reached the local people.

Other hardwoods such as teak and yellow balau are used to make garden furniture, and may also foe sourced illegally. It's not just wood from ir rainforests we should be concerned about, say the conservation watchdogs. Illegal logging is rife in Russia, for example, things to make from wood for the garden it the larch for many of our timber fences is sourced.

And even timber in plantations, which use fast-growing species and so are a more sustainable alternative, needs to be responsibly managed. Many environmental groups support the FSC Forest Stewardship Council certification scheme, which provides Things To Make From Wood For The Garden Your a chain of custody number for every labelled product.

This tracks the timber through all stages of processing to ensure that it's sustainably sourced and managed. But foresters in the UK point out that the scheme disadvantages small producers as it's too bureaucratic and costly for them to comply with. And members of FSC-Watch are concerned that there are an increasing number of certifications that have not been rigorously audited and so are undermining the scheme.

Andy Tait, Senior adivisor, Biodiversity, Greenpeace. It's sometimes very hard for the consumer to know even what wood a piece of furniture has been made from, let alone where it comes from. FSC is a demanding system of certification, that has high environmental and social standards, and that's why we and other environmental groups support it.

If it's not FSC, you should immediately be wary things to make from wood for the garden it it and things to make from wood for the garden it questions about where it comes from, and whether it has any creditation. Using recycled and reclaimed wood is also a good idea when possible.

Now architects and consumers are choosing wopd use more hardwoods things to make from wood for the garden it up to 25 per cent - for decking and other garden structures such as balustrades, arbours and planters. Hardwood is denser and hard wearing and has beautiful colour variations. There's a plentiful supply of hardwoods such as oak from Europe, but with tropical species we're very concerned to promote the hardwood products that only come from legal and well-managed forests.

Full certification to a recognised standard such as FSC and PEFC Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification can be very costly and demanding so in developing countries there are various independent verifications that help foresters work towards full certification. It's important we support these schemes.

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Find out more about page archiving. Gardening guides. See also. Plant finder Gardeners' calendar Pest and Diseases Gardening message board. Sourcing ethical wood.

Things to make from wood for the garden it this page The effects of tree logging Did you know? Viewpoint What you can do Page options Print this page.

The effects of tree logging The shortage of fence panels early inwhen many householders needed to replace ones felled by the storms, was put down to European producers exporting more to China and Dubai - and in parts of the world trees are being felled in a way that damages the forests, the people who live in them, and the wider environment. Settings Sign out.

Jul 03,  · Take a more modern and grown-up approach to 2×2 blocks with this wood block art at A Beautiful Mess. The variation in heights and colors makes for a very nice piece of wall decor. Make simple but chic corbels for open shelves — Twelve on Main used reclaimed wood for some extra beautiful finishing! Apr 12,  · Steam the wood. Put the wood into the box, seal it, and heat plenty of water to create steam. As a general rule, wood needs steaming for one hour per inch ( cm) of thickness at ºF (ºC). Put in a few pieces of test lumber as well so you can experiment, since moisture content, wood species, and other factors all affect the wood's behavior. When you are out pruning and cutting back the garden, take a look at what you are about to throw in the wood chipper or firewood pile. Wood slices can be turned into many things, but my all-time favorite is these branch coasters that I made back in

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