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Explore and learn from Jetson projects created by us and projects to build for fun zone community. These have been created for Jetson developer kits. Scroll down to see projects with code, videos and more. For more inspiration, code and instructions, scroll below.

Modify or try out one of these projects provided by NVIDIA and jumpstart your creativity, find tips and tricks in the Community Resources page and find answers in the Jetson forum. Open-source project for learning AI by building fun applications. The kit includes the complete robot chassis, wheels, and controllers along with a battery and 8MP camera.

Start using Jetson and experiencing the power of AI. We'll focus on networks related to computer vision and includes the use of live cameras. With JetRacer, you will:. It is ideal for applications where low latency is necessary. It includes:. Have a Jetson project to share?

Post it on our forum for a chance to be featured here too. Furthermore, you can earn an AI Certification by submitting the Jetson project that you created. Autonomous navigation for blind people, running on a Jetson Nano edge device. Haptic touch is used to provide the blind person with information, as a way to keep their other senses, such as their projects to build for fun zone, from being occupied, which blind people generally develop very well.

DeepWay v1 was based on keras — v2 employs Pytorch. We made a self-driving roboot that patrols inside [buildings] and detects people with high temperatures or without masks, [in order to] diagnose the possibility of COVID in advance. If [the self-driving finds] someone who's not wearing a mask, [it] will warn them until they wear it properly and then it will say thank you.

We propose YolactEdge, the first competitive instance segmentation approach ffun runs on small edge devices at real-time speeds. Specifically, YolactEdge runs at up to It produces a x speed up over existing real-time methods while producing competitive mask and box detection accuracy. There are two key aspects that make our model fast and buold on edge devices: 1 TensorRT optimization while carefully trading off speed and accuracy, and 2 a novel feature warping module to exploit temporal redundancy in videos.

We developed a flight controller and vision-based state estimator for controlling quadrotor drones after losing a motor. This project aims to develop a system using convolutional neutral networks CNNs to detect defects in composite laminate materials automatically in order to increase ultrasonic inspection accuracy and efficiency.

For inspectors, ultrasonic bukld is a labor-intensive and time-consuming manual task. This approach ho their efficiency, accuracy and reduces their workload when when interpreting ultrasonic scanning images to identify defects.

Discontinuities and defects in materials are usually not specific projects to build for fun zone, positions, and orientations. The SSD network can also evaluate components and specimens with other methods, such as thermography inspection. IKNet is an inverse kinematics estimation with simple neural networks. Robottle was designed for an academic competition at EPFL. For 10 minutes, the robot must autonomsouly collect bottle in an arena filled bujld bottles and bring them back to one of the corner of the arena, the recycling arena.

Thanks to the Jetson Community and other developers I could create a simple projects to build for fun zone. Bulld current version of the code is tested and works alright for a short run. The nvidia-jetson-dcs application accomplishes this using a device connection string for connecting to an Azure Fun Diy Projects To Build 70 IoT Hub instance, while the nvidia-jetson-dps application leverages the Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service within IoT Central to create a projects to build for fun zone device.

To optimise models for deployment on Jetson devices, models were serialised into TensorRT engine files for inference. This allows anyone to easily modify and use this package in their own projects. This repository provides you with a detailed guide on how to build a real-time license plate detection and recognition system.

The license plate data set for this repository was collected in Vietnam. You can train your model to detect and recognize number plates. Self-driving AI toy car built with Jetson Nano. Currently capable of path following, stopping and taking correct crossroad turns.

It contains an end-to-end CNN system built in Pytorch. I used transfer learning to retrain ssd-mobilenet to recognise my hand gestures so I could drive a large robot dog without a controller. Eventually, it will have a linear body and arm which travels up and down its utility stick. Making sure you stay safe while on your computer. Blinkr is a device that utlizes AI to detect blinks.

Blinkr uses a camera that faces the user. Blinkr counts the number of times a user blinks and warns them if they are not blinking enough. The Jetson Nano is a fast single board computer meant for AI. My code runs on this computer. Additionally Blinkr uses a camera, speaker, as well as screen.

Considerable progress has been made in semantic scene understanding of road scenes with monocular cameras [although, it generally focuses] on certain specific projevts such as cars, bicyclists and pedestrians.

This work investigates traffic cones, an object category crucial for traffic control in the context of autonomous vehicles.

Activated Wolverine Claws - quite a few YouTubers have made mechanical extending wolverine claws, but I want to make some Wolverne Claws that extend when I'm feeling like it - just like in the X-Men movies. Is this the future of Cosplay - you can decide! I wrote a simple script to make the robot look for high contrast markers in turn. In this project [we're building] an active power meter with an Arduino Uno. Use visualize. A Jetson based DeepStream application to identify areas of high risk through intuitive heat maps.

In other words, a heatmap will be generated continuously representing regions where faces have been detected recently. Allowing projects to build for fun zone to see through the time.

The application is containerized and uses DeepStream as the backbone to run TensorRT optimized models for the prokects throughput. Built on top of deepstream-imagedata-multistream sample app. An ADAS system that uses Jetson Nano as the hardware with four main functions: forward collision warning, lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition and overspeed warning.

I trained and optimized three deep projects to build for fun zone buuild to run simultaneously on Jetson Nano CenterNet-ResNet18 for object detection, U-Net for lane line segmentation and ResNet for traffic sign classification.

This app uses pose estimation to help users correct their posture by alerting them when they are slouching, leaning, or tilting their head down. Checkout links below for more information. My idea [ Any software that accepts OSC as input can use this data to control their parameters.

These days, more and more people are suffering from sleep deprivation. Mommybot is a system projects to build for fun zone Jetson Nano that helps manages a user's sleeping hours.

Mommybot has 4 functions: 1 detect with a camera and register the time of different user events, 2 determine whether a user is asleep using TensorFlow, 3 with sklearn suggest optimal bedtime hours based on previous sleeping habit predictions, and fr wake up the user with a preferred sleeping hour schedule. Drowsiness, emotion and attention monitor for driving.

Detects objects in blindspots via CV. Jetson Nano [takes] care of running through both of the Pytorch-powered Computer Vision applications using a plethora of libraries in order to perform certain tasks. The two webcams serve as the main sensors to carry out Computer Vision and Pytorch [identifies] faces and eyes for one application and objects for the other and [sends the] information through MQTT in order to emmit a sound or show an image in the display.

This rescue robot project combines SLAM and object detection and tracking. Using ROS, we designed a valid logic that integrates multiple functions. The robot can perform a simplified 'rescue mission' - autonomously find and pick up a blue block and then return it to origin.

We hope the principles can be applied to systematically design specific projects to build for fun zone, such as rescue, logistics, and service robots. A useful application for the COVID19 era to control the human temperature and issue alarms in case of fever.

This year, the year of COVID19, I decided to get that project out of the drawer and to adapt bulld to Nvidia Jetson Nano to realize an application to control human body temperature and issue alerts in case of fever. As a chess player, I usually find myself using a chess engine for game analysis or opening preparation.

RB-0 is a hobby sized rover that uses the same suspension method as NASA's newer differential-bar rovers. It can climb small obstacles, move its camera in different directions, and steer all buils wheels. I prljects to make it open projwcts so anyone can have fun and learn from it! AI device for mass fever screening. I combine Thermal and Visible Spectrum cameras in order to detect people in the scene and measure their skin temperature in a contactless manner [ You can test multiple people at the time, [ This lets me detect objects across 91 projects to build for fun zone from COCO.

The goal is to process the camera frames locally on the Jetson Nano and only send a message to the cloud when the detected object hits a certain confidence threshold. Safe Zond keeps an eye on you during your video conferences, and if it sees your underwear, the video is immediately muted. This camera is positioned immediately next to a webcam that is used for video conferences, such that it captures the same region.

Our team thought that enjoying time wisely with fun interaction is what people need. We focus on the problem that drinking through videocall can fill visual rpojects auditory elements, but not physical interaction.

Also, since you are drinking alone, it is important to know your drinking status. Projects to build for fun zone [

Oct 13, - Awesome nature activities, gross motor games, and other outdoor play ideas with kids!. See more ideas about activities, activities for kids, nature activities pins. That’s why I created this Pallet Projects article. I’ve collected more than pallet projects that have detailed step-by-step tutorials or at least a series of images so you can follow along and build one yourself. Alright, let’s dive right in! two things before we start. Before we get started, there are two things I have to tell you. These projects are for beginners, hobbyists & electronics enthusiasts. The mini projects are designed to be very helpful for engineering students and professionals building their own embedded system designs and circuits. The projects are also compiled from time to time to provide a single destination for project .

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