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When the navigation drawer is opened, you can see Android Navigation Drawer Under Status Bar Color that the status bar gets darkened Unfortunately in my current layout, the status bar's tint (applied using I would be sat down for an hour and be fired at with questions of various things. Navigation drawers provide access to destinations in your app. For increased reachability from the bottom app bar's menu icon, they open from the bottom of Scaled down to % As with other modal bottom sheets, the initial vertical position of a bottom navigation drawer is based on its content and screen height. Just Simply add android:fitsSystemWindows="false" to DrawerLayout will solve the problem. Instead use:. Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong? However, it works though for some layouts like CoordinatorLayout, DrawerLayout because they override the default behavior. In fact, the toolbar is still under the status bar while the drawer is ok:. Perhaps you have a fitsSystemWindows defined wrong.. Now our RecyclerView appears below Toolbar and still can be scrolled under the status bar.

Jan 08,  · In my last post i explain how to create a navigation drawer in android application now in this post i update my code and update my navigation drawer. In this i make my status bar transparent as you see in most of google aps like youtube, play store app etc. Please check the video to check what we are going to make hope it was easy to you to understand. Tabs and Drawer#. If you're using a tab or drawer navigator, it's a bit more complex because all of the screens in the navigator might be rendered at once and kept rendered - that means that the last StatusBar config you set will be used (likely on the final tab of your tab navigator, not what the user is seeing).. To fix this, we'll have to do make the status bar component aware of screen. Jul 24,  · Create a project and select the template “Navigation Drawer Activity”. You will get the ToolBar, Drawer and navigation stuff for free as shown in the screenshot. Now, let’s assume that we got a request to move the drawer under the ToolBar. We need to modify activity_www.- for that.

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Comments to “Navigation Drawer Under Status Bar Down”

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