Tung Oil 600,Diy Shaker Kitchen Cabinet Doors 01,Woodworking Plans Cupola Yahoo - Step 3

Изделия, покрытые тунговым маслом, не темнеют со временем. Описание: Масло тунговое Borma Tung Oil. Не разбавленное, абсолютно натуральное масло не содержащее химических компонентов. Финишное покрытие придает слабый золотистый оттенок. Способ применения: Наносите масло щеткой или тканью. Для улучшения нанесения и результата разбавьте первые два слоя Уайт спиритом (50%). Оставьте покрытие на минут, чтобы масло впиталось в поры. Удалите излишки с поверхности хлопковой тканью. Подождите не менее 24 часов до следующего нанесения. Tung oil or China Real Tung Oil Logo wood oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seed from the nut of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii). Tung oil hardens upon exposure to air (through polymerization), and the resulting coating is transparent and has a deep, almost wet look. Used mostly for finishing and protecting wood, after numerous coats, the finish can even look plastic-like. Related drying oils include linseed, safflower, poppy, and soybean oils. The oil and its use are believed to have originated in ancient. Масла WATCO TUNG OIL FINISH просты в применении, подходят для нанесения на тонированные и необработанные поверхности. Создает эффект ручной работы, защищая от влаги и пыли.  Фирменный магазин Watco Натуральные масла для дерева. Корзина: 1 товар. +7 () Каталог Масла Полироль Воск. Все товары. О магазине. A natural oil extracted from the seeds of the tung tree. The Natural Paint Company Pure Tung Oil penetrates deeply into the timber and gives an elastic and water-resistant surface. It is a non-toxic, VOC-free and chemical free finishing oil that has excellent sealing properties. Traductions en contexte de "tung oil tree" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context: Traduction Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison. Plus. Deutsch English Español Français עברית Italiano 日本語 Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Türkçe 中文. tung oil中文:桐油 ,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋tung oil的中文翻譯,tung oil的發音,音標,用法和例句等。.

Understanding Wood Finishing. Azurite natural pigment - fine, pure mineral blue without additives. The name is often used by paint and varnish manufacturers as a generic name for any wood-finishing product that contains the real tung oil or provides a finish that resembles the finish obtained with tung oil. The oil-paper umbrella is the traditional umbrella used in China , Japan , and other countries in the sinosphere , and was brought to Western countries through the Silk Road. Since tung oil has become popular as an environmentally friendly wood finish, some products labelled as "tung oil" are actually blends containing other oils, varnishes, solvents, or chemical driers, and may even contain no tung oil at all [12] Products labeled Danish oil may be tung oil or they may be polymerized linseed oil. Retrieved 5 October Merriam Webster.

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