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Find Woodworking videos, tutorials, woodcarving, woodcrafting, woodshops and much more by following Woodworking Youtube Channels.  Woodworking Youtube Channels For Videos On Woodworking Projects, Tips & Tricks and Tool Reviews. Last Updated Mar 1, Top Woodworking Youtube Channels. Submit Your Channel. SUBMIT CHANNEL. Contents [show] ⋅About this list & ranking. Woodworking Youtube Channels. Matthias Wandel. Steve Ramsey. The woodworker analogy brought forth by Joe Martino - founder of Collective Evolution explains the way that our potential isn't always www.- times we find ourselves creating and addressing the current needs rather than tapping into our full capabilities to fit our environments..A woodworker can make a house, but often the table is more important. Книги из серии The Art Of Woodworking являются настоящей энциклопедией столярного дела. В них можно найти все, что связано со столярными работами. Знание английского языка не требуется, так как книги превосходно иллюстрированы. Иллюстрации представляют собой подробное пошаговое руководство по изготовлении мебели и др. изделий, приведены размеры. #the_art_of_woodworking #деревянное_кружево_библиотека. 6. Нравится Показать список оценивших. I am very lucky to be in a time of great change in woodturning. Vetoing isolated words is not permitted. Subjects are indexed, though without hyperlink. Neil from the Young Ones. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, Why woodworking analogy become Vegetarian. Theosophy Woodworking analogy Nirvana Pages.

An aspect of great practical importance is the concurrence of incriminating rules in the Game Code, the Penal Code, and other statutes. Some jurists consider the Game Code draconian, excessively punitive, clearly out of rhythm with the scale of judgments of Brazilian penal system.

On August 22, , the Code of Conduct for Higher Government Officials was published in the Federal Official Gazette, and it applies to over Federal Government employees, including ministers, secretaries of State, and top-level employees. The Code of Conduct seeks to establish standards for, among other cases, the acceptance of gifts and souvenirs, the lending of vehicles, a quarentine which forbids a civil servant from accepting any job in private enterprise during the first four months after leaving a position in the Government.

In that same year, it was reformed by Law no. During the 27 years it has been in force, some laws on specific matters have brought about small, continuous reforms that have substantially changed the Code, so as to accelerate proceedings, streamline procedural mechanisms, and eliminate superfluous formalities.

However, there is a list of norms that complete or change the Code of Criminal Procedure, as follows:. The Code of Criminal Procedure is divided into six books: Proceedings in general, Proceedings in manner, Nullity and appeals in general, Foreclosure, Jurisdictional affairs with foreign authorities and General provisions. Established by Act n. A Lei de Propriedade Industrial comentada : Lei n.

Came into force in 11 March, Brazil Traffic Code in force today was established by Act n. It was altered by Act n. January, , and by Act n. Porto Alegre: Sagra Luzzatto, The first book includes legislation on tax competence, taxes, charges, specific benefits charges, revenue sharing.

The second book rules on tax legislation, tax due, tax credit and tax administration. It resulted from the work of a Committee formed by a small number of famous jurists, assigned to present a bill for the Consolidation of all Labor and Social Security legal instruments.

No contribution was received from the National Congress which, at the time, was kept inactive by the President of the Republic. The Child and Adolescent Statute was passed into law in Act n. CURY, Munir. The Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for the conception and enforcement of the National Policy on Science and Technology, in accordance with provisions established in Chapter IV of the Federal Constitution.

The Ministry was created in March15, , by Decree-Law n. Its province includes the national scientific and technological heritage and its further development; its related policy on cooperation and interchange; definition of the National Policy on Science and Technology; coordination of sector policies; the national policy on research development, production and use of new high technology services and materials. Its web page offers access to such legal instruments as acts, decrees, presidential Temporary measures, administrative directives and other normative acts related to science and technology activities in the country.

The Customs Regulations result from the amalgamation of all provisions on customs legislation Decree n. The Foreign Trade Tax Legislation is directly related to the import tax on foreign products II , the tax on industrialized products IPI and the export tax IE and also to contributions, charges and foreign exchange infractions related to import and export activities.

Power to enforce foreign trade policies in Brazil is assigned to several ministries. Respective homepages display all customs and foreign trade legislation. The Constitution has established all duties binding the family, the society and the State regarding children and adolescents.

Among others, the special nature of labor by minors was established in following items of paragraph 3, article The Constitution further establishes that minors under eighteen years of age may not be held criminally liable; instead they shall be subject to the ruling of special legislation. It also determines that the law shall severely punish abuse, violence and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

It provides for adoption, its cases and conditions, which shall be assisted by the Government. In order to address the new constitutional framework, and to comply with the latest policy of integral protection to children and adolescents a new legislation was needed: thus the Child and Adolescent Statute came to pass Act n.

Rio de Janeiro : Renovar, Subjects are indexed, though without hyperlink. It is based on article 5. All agencies dealing with Consumer Protection are subordinated to the Ministry of Justice. Its homepage supplies all resolutions published on the subject. It also offers links to agencies related to conpetition protection in foreign countries.

Oliveira , Curso de direito do consumidor. Rio de Janeiro: Forense , Campinas : Aga Juris, Belo Horizonte : EdiTau, These Resolutions update the electoral process. Direito eleitoral. Starting with the Stockholm conference in , several normative acts were established aiming to protect the environment. Brazilian legislation on the matter is rather comprehensive, starting with the Federal Constitution, encompassing the Criminal and Civil Codes.

There is also specific and supplementary legislation at federal, state and municipal levels. Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Ambiental, Elementos de Direito Ambiental brasileiro.

Rio de Janeiro : Thex, ISBN X. O que o Brasil precisa saber sobre o Mercosul. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, Act n. It is still worth noting that Constitutional Amendment n. This page offers, among others, Acts, decrees, directives, implementing orders, legal digests and former court rulings by the Higher Courts, opinions and articles collected by several Brazilian Public Social Security agencies.

Porto Alegre: S. Organizada por Aristeu de Oliveira. Decree n. October, , which approved radio broadcasting services, is the fundamental text on the matter, together with Decree n.

Created by Act n. The first efforts to structure Agrarian Law in Brazil date back to , however, only much later, in , was the Land Statute established by Act n. This text is still the basic piece of legislation on Land Reform. Rio de Janeiro : Campus, Caxias do Sul: Maneco Liv. Couto org. For the last six years, the Brazilian sector of telecommunications has been undergoing a restructuring process, and all its regulatory framework was considered and amended.

Pires 3 has identified six stages in this process:. Both homepages for the Ministry of Communications and for the Telecommunications National Agency ANATEL offer the full text of all mentioned legislation and other legislative acts regarding the telecommunications sector. Rio de Janeiro :Lumen Juris, Revista de Direito Administrativo , Rio de Janeiro, n. Porto alegre: Livr.

The oldest Brazilian traffic legal instrument dates back to Later on further legislation was enacted. The first Traffic Code was established in In the following year this Code was substantially altered by Decree-Law n. In and special Committees were created to study and propose a bill for a new Traffic Code.

The Brazilian Traffic Code established by Act n. It was amended by Act n. Porto Alegre : Sagra Luzzatto, Campinas : Millennium, The Brazilian taxation system had its guidelines established in the Federal Constitution, articles to According to the Constitution, the Union, States, Municipalities, and the Federal District have competence, either exclusive or concurrent, to institute taxes.

The Union has the power to institute and collect taxes on: importation of foreign products; exportation of national products; income and earnings of any nature, industrial products, rural property, credit, foreign exchange and insurance transactions or transactions relating to bonds or securities and on large fortunes.

States and the Federal District have the competence to institute and collect taxes on: descent or donation of any property or rights, transactions relating to the circulation of goods and to the operation of interstate and intermunicipal transportation services and communication services ICMS and on ownership of motorized vehicles IPVA.

According to the Federal Constitution art. Access to the basic legislation on taxation can be found in the site belonging to the Secretariat of Federal Revenue www. Search is either by subject or type of norm. The following are examples of bibliographic references by type of material. The order of elements necessary to identify the materials is between brackets.

Title of the article. Title of the Periodical , place of publication, volume, number, first and last pages of the article, month or season of the year , year. Type and number of appeal. Disputing parties. Rapporteur: Mr. Majority opinion and dissenting opinion.

Supremo Tribunal Federal. Relator: Ministro Rafael Mayer. Satandardized code name and date. Title of the Publication : further information from covering page. Name of organizer or collaborators. Edition number. Place: Editor, date. Number of pages. Title type of instrument, n. Indication of the official gazette. If quotation is no longer than three lines it must be inserted within the running text; longer quotations are set off from the text by being indented both right and left.

All data necessary to identify the publication from which quoted matter within the text, an idea paraphrased, etc. Such citations can be inserted within the text or appended as a note at the foot of the page, or at the end of the complete text.

Citation sentences may comply either with the numeric references method or first element-date method. According to the numeric references method, superscript, parenthetical or bracketed numerals, inserted a the end of the quotation, refer to documents in the order in which they are first cited. Subsequent citations of a particular document receive the same number as the first.

For example:. If necessary, page numbers may be given after the year within parentheses, set off by commas. As already mentioned and besides the careful discipline of the legislative process the current Constitution also cites briefly code bills. However, in what regards the process or procedure of amalgamation, the Constitution only mentions, in art.

Supplementary legislation shall provide for the preparation, drafting, amendment and amalgamation of legal instruments. Finally, and as it should be, the legal instrument concerning adoption was regulated by Civil Code Act n. The theme adoption is regulated by Act n. Articles 42 to 46 deal with the theme in a generic form and paragraph 2 of art.

From onwards, the Federal Government was legally allowed to hire public servants according to the standards of Consolidation of Labor Laws side by side with statutory servants.

This regime duplicity was provided for in the Constitution of January 24, , pursuant to art. The Labor Legislation is applied to public servants hired temporarily for civil works or for technical or specialized jobs.

Still regarding this issue, Act n. So I shall explain. I guess most of my readers know that I used to work as a cabinet maker, and I still do woodwork as a hobby.

So let me offer an analogy for the syllabus problem above, based on woodwork. The purpose of the syllabus, from breathing exercises to pair drills, from push-ups to freeplay, is simply this: it is a toolkit with which you can craft, from the raw material of yourself, the swordsman you aspire to become.

Once a drill or exercise is sufficiently well learned that it does not require effort to recall, it becomes available to you as a tool. So we equip our beginners with a very basic toolkit, just as someone taking up woodwork might buy a set-square, a saw, a plane and a chisel. Until the drill is in memory, it is effectively useless. When it has been absorbed, it becomes a working tool.

We then apply these tools to the business of making swordsmen. As the student develops, they will acquire new tools, either of a whole new type hello, G clamp or a variation on one already owned such as a plough plane. The process of learning new drills is analogous to the process of buying new tools; lots of fun, and for some people tool collectors , the whole point of the exercise.

But owning tools is not craftsmanship. Knowing how to keep them sharp and put them to use, is. I am an avid tool collector in both fields: I have some woodworking tools I will probably never use, and I have some drills from other arts, and from the early days of my career, that I take out and polish every now and then, but will never actually apply to the business of my improvement as a swordsman.

Michael has been featured in two international magazines: Woodturning Design and Woodturning magazine UK. Learn my techniques for making this 3 piece hollow Christmas ornament with finial. I will demonstrate how I cut and glue up the barrel stave blank which becomes the hollow globe of the ornament. I will include various methods of mounting techniques, a unique way of making a tenon for the finial, and a way to hollow the globe with a recess mounting.

A twice-turned bowl with a crock-style rim is a favorite gift, both decorative and useful. I will discuss the process of the first turning and demonstrate the process of the second turning.

I will explain my finishing process. I will have some tricks to share about turning a box that can change a useful basic design to an elaborate gift. This is a twice turned project. I will utilize the recess method of mounting on both box and lid.

We will discuss my finishing methods that I find useful for pieces. An accomplished life-long woodworker, Louis retired from public service in to reacquaint himself with woodturning on a fulltime basis. He likes to share his passion by teaching, demonstrating, and writing about woodturning, and he is an active member of three Canadian AAW chapters and a woodturning instructor for Lee Valley Tools. While focusing on ergonomics, efficiency, and safety, Louis is always looking for innovative ways to create utilitarian pieces using multiaxis techniques.

Louis lives near Ottawa, Canada and can be reached at lbtourneur gmail. Multiaxis bowl with handles This project explores one of many creative avenues offered by multiaxis turning. Comes a time in you woodturning journey where you want to stretch your skills and venture into the unknown. This bowl is the perfect excuse to dive into this challenging and addictive habit to misplace the dead centered axis on your pieces.

Although this bowl is somewhat advanced, less experienced turners can tackle it with a little bit of guidance. Once you experience multiaxis turning, you will for sure challenge yourself for more. This demo will open your mind and will bring you to the next level. This project was featured in the February issue of the AAW magazine. Most turners have already done many boxes and tried various tricks and applied numerous enhancements techniques on them.

However, they are still round. Why not break such a convention and make them triangular, right on your lathe! This is your very own opportunity to venture into multiaxis turning. Once you have tamed the wobbling pieces on your lathe, you will ready to refresh your inventory with very unique pieces.

Brad has been a woodturner for 20 years. Mostly self-taught, he also benefitted from attending AAW symposiums and local turning presentations, including Totally Turning.

The items range from shaving brushes and shavers, bowls, platters, and pepper mills to an assortment of smaller goods, including utensils, tools, pens, and bottle stoppers.

He enjoys knowing that his turnings have been bought by people from around the globe and exist on every continent except Antarctica.

You will see several types of kits that are available on the market and learn how to select your wood. We will start with roughing out the blank, then drill the various holes while mounted on the lathe and part the blank in two.

Once the blank is parted, we will show how to join the parts together again using calipers and a parting tool. Then the discussion will move to shape options, sanding methods, finishes, trouble shooting and answering any questions that arise along the way.

Woodturning since , Kurt enjoys the continuum of woodturning from making his own turning tools to photographing his finished turnings. Demonstrating on all facets of woodturning, he particularly enjoys teaching tool sharpening, work holding, and advanced pen making.

Kurt has over woodturning related articles internationally published since Learn what techniques have been successful for Kurt and his experience of over internationally published articles. Art Liestman has been making and selling turned objects for about 20 years. He particularly likes making whimsical objects and objects that do not appear to be made on the lathe.

He regularly demonstrates and teaches for AAW chapters across North America and has taught longer courses at schools such as Arrowmont, and the Escoulen School. He is now retired from his career as a university Professor. I turn spindle blanks that are made up of three laminated layers. This should be understandable and within the abilities of any of your members.

I discuss the construction of jigs and show how to use them to turn multiple curved surfaces on wood blanks. This is a variation on multi axis turning in which the axis of rotation does not lie within the blank being turned.

This should be understandable by all, but is more challenging and should only be attempted by the more experienced turners in your group. This is largely a presentation of lots of images of wood teapots, together with discussion of various different approaches to construct them. This is intended to encourage members to think outside the box and to be inspired by the many approaches that woodturners have taken.

Rudolph Lopez began his relationship with wood over 40 years ago as a craftsman of fine furniture and cabinetry. With an education in drafting and design and many years working as a professional photographer, the transition into woodturning has been a seamless flow into another creative endeavor.

I love everything about wood, rough or smooth it possesses a warm welcome feel. Wood has an unlimited potential for creativity but also flaws and faults, cracks, knots and other defects which sometimes makes it difficult to work with… this is my favorite kind of wood. I never cease to be amazed by the incredible amount of beauty to be found in it as I create a new turning.

My goal as an artistic turner is to bring out this hidden beauty which God and nature has provided and enhance it to create something that invites the eye and beckons the touch. His energetic easy-going personality and his ability to explain woodturning techniques in a simple understandable manner has allowed Rudolph to share his skills and enthusiasm for woodturning along with his love of wood through teaching and demonstrating at symposiums, clubs, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts and John C.

Campbell Folk School as well as his studio in Tampa, Fl. I will explain limb selection, pith orientation, different techniques used for stabilizing thin stems, the use and sharpening of Negative Rake scrapers and drying to help avoid cracking. I will explain limb selection, pith orientation and drying to help avoid cracking. We will cover the differences of cutting end-grain verses side-grain and using different end-grain hollowing methods.

We will use the Rolly Munro Hollowing tool and discuss it verses the bowl gouge, scrapers or a hook tool along with the use and sharpening of the negative rake scraper.

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