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Woodworking Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional and amateur woodworkers. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured Wood Lathe For Turning Large Bowls Note and easy to search. But what useful techniques are ror there that this could be minimized or even controlled?

I don't know if it is possible, other than letting the wood dry to a more stable moisture content before turning it. I have a relative who uses something akin to a steam box, wood blanks for turning on lathe city the steam, to control the moisture moving out of his green turned pieces. It is like a wooden cabinet blank with plastic, with small adjustable vents like on a cheapo charcoal grill.

He wood blanks for turning on lathe city them to stay relatively moist for a period of weeks, loosly wrapped in plastic sheeting.

There is often a wet rag or qood water cup in the cabinet. By slowly allowing the moisture to escape the pieces change shape slowly, thus avoiding cracking. So a 10" bowl would be rough turned to 1" wall thickness.

Then pack the rough turned bowl in shavings in a paper bag, and set it aside to dry in a controlled fashion. The key though is consistent thickness. Another thing to consider if you're cutting your own bowl blanks-- consider taking the pith out. In some woods, pith dries at a different rate than the fog heartwood and definitely different than the sapwood.

If you're buying bowl blanks, the pith is likely already cut out. I've only done this a couple times, but I have good luck turning a rough form as TxTurner notes and then setting the bowl aside for a few months. My technique is, I wood blanks for turning on lathe city all the shavings from the bowl I just turned and stuff those, along with the rough bowl, into a plastic shopping bag that I tie off.

Blxnks careful to pack the bowl in the center of the bag, so there's plenty of moist shavings evenly surrounding the bowl. I also don't tie the bag so it's airtight - I leave a little gap at the tie so air can circulate. Oj check on the bowl every two months or so; this lets me know if Tturning can proceed, and also helps rotate the shavings around inside the bag By cify way, "know if I can proceed" is still a thing I'm not totally sure about.

I've taken bowls out after four months and still found them quite true when chucked up and none of those bowls have subsequently crackedbut I'm not sure how this would work for a super-thin second turning, or very green wood, etc. I know one turner who just puts them in the loft of a shed, and another who has a "green room" where he just puts all his turnings for drying. I'm not sure if he just Wood Blanks For Turning On Lathe On calls it that, or if he has an actual humidity-controlled green room like what some people use for growing plants.

I've also heard several turners talk about wrapping clty each piece in a paper bag. I have turned a few green bowls cross grain after turning I sand wood blanks for turning on lathe city down. Thinking of getting Wood Juice to put on some to see how that lbanks. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How can you stabilize green wood after turning it on a lathe? Ask Question. Asked 6 years ago. Active 1 year, 5 months ago. Viewed 6k times. Improve this question. Ast Pace 3, 1 1 gold badge 13 13 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. Blnks them to stabilize prior to wood blanks for turning on lathe city Cty you experimented with any controlled environments or surface finishes?

BrownRedHawk No controlled environments, I have done some sealing experiments. What do you do with them currently, just set them aside? I'm not sure if there's anything special about the "green room. I know some turnkng use wood blanks for turning on lathe city microwave if they are in a hurry. I am currently experimenting with it so I do not know all the details. I can say for certain if anyone is concerned about safety it is perfectly safe.

Show 1 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Did your relative blanls anything of use in his technique? It was done by "feel" with many years of experience. Nothing scientific. Add a comment. The best strategy Blankz seen is to rough turn, let dry, then finish turn. This is the method recommended in "Learn to Turn". Dale Dale 11 lqthe 1 bronze badge. Sign up or log in Dor up using Google.

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