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Journal Metrics CiteScore : 2. Recent Articles Recently published articles from HardwareX. Deposit instructions: To deposit hardware documentation on Figshare, please follow these steps:. HardwareX video. There is thus an opportunity wrtiing harness these trends to improve science by supporting open hardware journal writing development of free and open source hardware. It will continue to update on a monthly basis until the next annual CiteScore calculation. Brian Clowers Tobias Reinecke.

The journal platform permits readers to leave comments on the publication page, via the Disqus service. Readers will need a Disqus account to leave comments. Comments may be moderated by the journal, however, if they are non-offensive and relevant to the publication subject, comments will remain online without edit.

The journal platform also includes in-browser annotation and text highlighting options on full text formats via hypothes. Readers will require a hypothes. A list of repositories that meet our peer-review requirements and are recommended for the archiving of Journal of Open Hardware JOH hardware files is maintained below. Please contact us if you would like to recommend that we add a particular repository to our list. The files of the hardware described in your metapaper or full length article if it is a project of our authorship must be placed in a publicly accessible repository.

There are two main types of repository which have slightly different purposes:. We require that the version of files described in your publication is available in at least one repository that satisfies the criteria below. Ideally the files will be available through both types of repository.

A good versioned repository for hardware files should:. Focus and suitability: DocuBricks takes hardware documentations from all scientific areas. Documentations can only be submitted in their own XML-based submission format, which is created with their offline editor software and into which design files and software are embedded.

It is suitable for projects that do not require specialised curation. This web service has been created by one of our editors, Tobias Wenzel with crucial input from other Open hardware creators and editors from our Journal and the wider community.

Justification: In conjunction with the DocuBricks editor software, the platform allows for open hardware-specific documentation in a standardised format which is comfortable to review. Furthermore, the documentations tend to be high in quality, as the software encourages the user to document a Open Source Hardware Journal Article project modularly along its functionality. Sustainability: DocuBricks is an independent initiative run by academics with support from OpenPlant collaboration at University of Cambridge.

It Open Source Hardware Journal List is mainly volunteer-based with the mission to keep the content completely open and free to support the Global Open Science Hardware movement with documentation infrastructure. Deposit instructions: To deposit a documentation associated with a JOH hardware paper in DocuBricks, please follow these steps:. Focus and suitability: GitHub provides a more developer-focussed environment as opposed to a project-focussed one.

It is developing a strong following among Free and Open Source developers and members of the scientific computing community. Cost: Free accounts can have as many public repos as you'd like, with unlimited collaboration details. Sustainability: GitHub is currently the largest code host in the world. Like any other Internet company, its future is uncertain. Deposit instructions: To deposit firmware or any other piece of code in GitHub, please follow these steps:. Focus and suitability: Figshare takes software from all subject areas, and is suitable for small to medium sized projects that do not require specialised curation.

This is the option for authors who do not have academic affiliation in contrast to ArXiv. All datasets are published under CC0. Identifiers used: Handle. Sustainability: According to their website: "Figshare is an independent body that receives support from Digital Science.

Deposit instructions: To deposit hardware documentation on Figshare, please follow these steps:. For software, if not included in the hardware repository, we follow the recommendations of our sister journal , the Journal of Open Research Software published by Ubiquity Press. The journal only displays advertisements that are of relevance to its scope and will be of interest to the readership e.

All advertising space is provided free of charge and the editor and publisher have the right to decline or withdraw adverts at any point. Adverts will include a text heading to make it clear that they are adverts not related to the journal. If you wish to propose a potential advert then please contact the editorial team.

All advert images will have to be provided to the publisher. Previous Board members Does not include current editorial board members. Start Submission Become a Reviewer. Global open source evolution in technology has resulted in the democratization of digital manufacturing. There is thus an opportunity to harness these trends to improve science by supporting the development of free and open source hardware.

In this webinar, Dr Joshua Pearce will document how the open source model works for technical development and the potential future applications of this approach harnessing advanced material science. It will conclude with opportunities for importing the benefits of the open innovation model into any scientific field. After watching the webinar, you will have a clear understanding on how to publish in the rapidly expanding open scientific hardware field.

You will also find out how to leverage open hardware to fabricate custom scientific tools and how fabricating your own equipment can significantly reduce your costs. Joshua M. Pearce received his Ph. His group is known for creating open source high-quality research tools for a tiny fraction of the cost of commercial systems.

Open science. How to leverage open hardware to improve your research. Share Share.

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