Close Drawer Android Programmatically List,Wood Workshop Tv Show Quotes,Rail And Stile Router Bit Set Notification,Kms Tools Lathe Video - How to DIY

How to open/close Navigation Drawer Programmatically? In the below code, we have used the closeDrawer(- ) method to close the navigation drawer and openDrawer(- ) menu= "@menu/activity_main_drawer" /> - Layout >. Browse other questions tagged android navigation-drawer or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Podcast Taking a risk and joining a new team. Apr 11,  · How to implement Navigation Drawer in android,drawer layout in android programmatically,Navigation view in android,Implement hamburger option in android programmatically,close navigation drawer in android,open navigation drawer in android.

Android ExpandableListView. Android ExpandableListView is a view that shows items in a vertically scrolling two-level list. It differs from a ListView by allowing two levels which are groups that can be easily expanded and collapsed by touching to view and their respective children items. ExpandableListViewAdapter in android loads the data into the items associated with this view. Jul 12,  · Let’s start by creating a new project.. - a new project in the Eclipse IDE from File ⇒ Android Application Project and fill all required details. I left my main activity name as - - order to create an expandable list view, we need three xml layout files. Jul 11,  · You can also close Drawer programmatically using closeDrawer(int)function but you don’t have to close Drawer because it automatically get closed when you click outside drawer. openDrawer(int) function is useful when you have a custom toolbar and you want to open drawer on a click of an icon in toolbar. So, Here is code.

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